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GTAP Resource #5262

"How Will Women Empowerment Help Achieve Food Security Towards 2050?"
by Vielma Delano, Sofia Katherina

Agriculture has the potential of promoting economic growth, food security and reducing poverty by raising incomes and reducing the cost of food for all consumers. However, it faces multiple challenges towards 2050. At the same time, women empowerment would greatly benefit society by increasing agricultural productivity, reducing poverty and hunger, and promoting economic growth. In the following paper, the impact in agricultural production and food security of women’s empowerment through education towards 2050 is analyzed. The key variables considered include changes in fertility rates, higher income, increase in yield potentials and higher household spending in food. The results suggest that women empowerment has the potential to bring considerable benefits to agricultural production in 2050 by reducing the demand by 9 %. Furthermore, food security would be positively affected, lowering the malnutrition count by 3.12% vs the current 2050 projections.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2017 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Date: 2015
Created: Vielma Delano, S. (4/13/2017)
Updated: Vielma Delano, S. (4/13/2017)
Visits: 985
- Demographics
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Not Applicable

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