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GTAP Events: 2021 GTAP Advisory Board Meeting

General Information
Date: June 21-22, 2021

Location: Virtual Meeting

Deliverables: PDF file Agenda (presentations linked)

PDF file Report and Issues Document

Webpage Supplementary Material

PDF file 2021 Summary
Research Fellows
The Board approved to name the following as Research Fellows for 2021-2024:

George Philippidis
For applying the GTAP Model and Data Base for almost three decades, developing new research lines and publishing in the highest quality journals. In the last years, he continuously supported EU domestic support data to the GTAP Data Base and spearheaded the implementation of SDGs in the GTAP context. His excellent work has raised the profile of GTAP-based models in the European Commission policy analysis context.

Maureen Rimmer
For outstanding and innovative theoretical contributions to GTAP and the broader field of CGE analysis.

Mustapha Sadni Jallab
For his contributions to the GTAP community through training and capacity development.

Niven Winchester
For his ongoing work and leadership as co-editor of the Journal of Global Economic Analysis, which provides a publication platform for the applied general equilibrium modeling community.

Alan A. Powell Award
Each year at the GTAP Advisory Board meeting we present an award to one of the members of the Board in recognition of outstanding service. This award is in honor of one of the Founding Members of the Advisory Board, and the intellectual grandfather of GTAP - Alan A. Powell.

Photo of Mondher Mimouni The 2021 recipient of the Alan A. Powell Award is Mondher Mimouni, Chief, Trade and Market Intelligence, International Trade Centre.

Thank you, Mondher, for your important contributions to GTAP!

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Center for Global Trade Analysis
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2056 USA

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