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GTAP Events: 28th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis

28th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
"Accelerating Economic Transformation, Resilience, Diversification, and Job Creation"
KCC photo

Radisson Blu Hotel & Convention Centre
Kigali, Rwanda

Dates/Deadlines (USA Eastern Time Zone)

Preliminary Submissions
Abstracts / Organized Session Proposals Nov 4 - Jan 15
Travel Funding Applications Nov 4 - Jan 15
Scholars Program Applications Nov 4 - Jan 15
Abstract Review Jan 20 - Feb 9
Status Notifications late Feb/early Mar
Registration Jan 6 - Apr 15
Apr 20
Accepted Paper and Presentation Submissions
Paper Submission Apr 15
Presentation Submission June 18
image of a red cross to alert a health issue
Marburg Outbreak (WHO / CDC)
The Center for Global Trade Analysis is monitoring the Marburg outbreak in Rwanda. Should any changes be necessary to the planning, they will be communicated accordingly and updated on this page.
General Information
Dates: June 25-27, 2025
Location: Radisson Blu Hotel & Convention Centre
KG 2 Roundabout
Kigali, Rwanda

Registrations will be accepted from January 6 – April 15, 2025.

$625 USD Professional (Developed Country)
$470 USD Professional (Developing Country)
$315 USD Student (Developed Country)
$160 USD Student (Developing Country)
Program Details:

The final program will be made available in mid-late May.

Logistical Details:
Travel FundingTravel Funding
Scholars ProgramScholars Program
Invitation LetterInvitation Letters

Conference Background

The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among economists conducting quantitative analysis of global economic issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on applied general equilibrium methods, data, and application. Related theoretical and applied work is also welcome.

The overall theme of the conference is "Accelerating Economic Transformation, Resilience, Diversification, and Job Creation" with subthemes on:

  • Advancements and resilience in value chains and economic development
  • Africa in the global economy
  • Seizing the benefits of the digital economy for growth
  • Tackling the economics of regional integration and cooperation
  • What the green transition means for Africa
  • Filling data gaps - understanding the informal economy
  • Food security and nutrition
  • Fragmentation of global trade
  • Promoting gender in development
  • Reducing poverty and inequality
  • Technology adoption and infrastructure development

Conference Format

The conference is structured with the intent of maximizing discussion and the exchange of ideas among researchers. Speakers will be asked to discuss the highlights and implications of their work with a dedicated amount of time devoted to discussion.

Plenary speakers will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation, followed by 20 for discussion.

Breakout session presenters will be allotted 15 minutes for presentation, followed by 10 for discussion.

The schedule below is subject to change. The final program will be made available in mid-late May.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
8:00-5:00 Onsite Check-in 8:00-5:00 Onsite Check-in 8:00-1:00 Onsite Check-in
9:00-9:20 Opening Remarks 9:00-10:45 Breakout Sessions 9:00-10:45 Breakout Sessions
9:20-10:05 Plenary Session 10:45-11:15 Break 10:45-11:15 Break
10:05-10:35 Break 11:15-1:00 Breakout Sessions 11:15-12:35 Breakout Sessions
10:35-12:20 Breakout Sessions 1:00-2:30 Lunch 12:35-2:05 Lunch
12:20-2:00 Lunch 2:30-4:15 Breakout Sessions 2:05-3:50 Breakout Sessions
2:00-3:45 Breakout Sessions 4:15-4:45 Break 3:50-4:20 Break
3:45-4:15 Break 4:45-6:30 Breakout Sessions 4:20-5:05 Plenary Session
4:15-6:00 Breakout Sessions 6:45-8:45 Dinner 5:05-5:20 Closing Remarks
6:00-8:30 Reception

Preliminary Submissions

January 15 Deadline

Please make note of the following before submitting an abstract or organized session proposal for consideration.

  • Each person is only allowed one abstract submission for the conference.
  • All presenters, organizers, chairs, and discussants must have an account set up on the GTAP website before they can be linked to a submission.

Abstract Submission Requirements
  • Abstract title
  • Presenter and author information
  • PDF of abstract
    • Written in English
    • 3-page maximum
    • No formatting requirements
    • Author names omitted (for double-blind review)
    • PDF cannot be password protected

Organized Session Proposal Submission Requirements

The session organizer is expected to collect and submit all items below. Presenters do not need to submit abstracts separately.

  • Organizer name(s)
  • Session chair name
  • Session title
  • Session description
  • Number of presentations (3 or 4; If a discussant is included, the maximum number of presentations is 3.)
  • Full abstract details for all proposed presentations
    • Note: Abstracts should be submitted in the order in which the presentations will be delivered, if accepted into the conference.
    • Presenter name
    • Abstract title
    • PDF of abstract
      • Written in English
      • 3-page maximum
      • No formatting requirements
      • Author names omitted (for double-blind review)
      • PDF cannot be password protected

Accepted Paper and Presentation Submission

If your abstract was accepted for presentation, follow the instructions below to submit your paper and presentation by the deadlines listed. We understand that by these dates your paper/presentation may not be 100% complete; however, we do require your current version be uploaded. If your work is still in progress, please feel free to watermark your documents with “DRAFT: NOT FOR PUBLICATION”.

April 15 Deadline Paper Submission
Click the link above to submit your paper. The following details are required during submission.

  • Paper title
  • List of authors
  • Keyword selection
  • Abstract (2,000 character maximum)
  • PDF of paper (no style or length requirements; uploaded paper can be edited after submission)
    • During the submission process, when asked for a "Friendly title", please name it "Paper" to distinguish it from the forthcoming presentation upload.

June 18 Deadline Presentation Submission
To upload your presentation file:

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Click "plus" button to expand the "GTAP-Related Resources" section and click the link to the paper you are presenting.
  3. Click the "Go to member access" link in the top right corner of your resource page.
  4. In the "Attachments" section, click the "Add Attachments" link.
  5. For question 1, answer "No" and press "Submit".
  6. In the friendly title box, name the file "Presentation", select the file to upload, and press the "Upload File" button.

Updating Submissions
Submissions can be updated at any time.

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above.
  2. In the "Attachments" section, click the radio button next to the old file you wish to replace to delete it.
  3. Click the "Add Attachments" link.
  4. For question 1, answer "No" and press "Submit".
  5. In the friendly title box, name the file "Paper" or "Presentation", select the file to upload, and press the "Upload File" button.

Travel Funding Opportunities

January 15 Deadline

Individuals interested in being considered for one of the travel funding opportunities below must indicate so accordingly on the abstract submission form.

Selected recipients will be notified in late February/early March and will be required to make their own travel arrangements, pay all expenses up front, and then submit receipts to the Center for Global Trade Analysis for reimbursement following the conference. The Center for Global Trade Analysis will fund each recipient's registration. The following items will be reimbursable up to a pre-determined maximum; however, US taxes may be withheld from the final reimbursement.

  • Airfare (Economy class)
  • Accommodation (4 nights)
  • Standard visa fees (if applicable)
  • Ground transportation

Ken Pearson Travel Funds

Ken Pearson CoPS

Following in his tradition, and in recognition of the many contributions made by the late Professor Ken Pearson, developer of GEMPACK, to the GTAP Network, the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University has graciously provided funding in his name to support the participation of a promising young researcher at the annual GTAP conference and encourage their contribution to the use and further development of analytical software for CGE modelling.

In order to be considered, applicants must:
  • be early career researchers within five years of the start of their research careers. This normally means that they have been awarded a PhD or equivalent research doctorate in the past five years.
  • be active in undertaking applied model-based analyses of real-world problems using GEMPACK. Those seeking to extend existing tools available to CGE modelers will be given special consideration.
  • upload their CV and the finished version of their paper on the abstract submission form

Alex Meeraus / Thomas Rutherford Travel Funds

Alex Meeraus Thomas Rutherford

The GAMS Development Corporation has graciously provided funding to support the participation of a promising young researcher at the annual GTAP Conference and encourage their contribution to the use and further development of analytical software for CGE modeling in honor of Alex Meeraus and Thomas Rutherford's contributions to the modeling community.

In order to be considered, applicants must:
  • be early career researchers within five years of the start of their research careers. This normally means that they have been awarded a PhD or equivalent research doctorate in the past five years.
  • be active in undertaking applied model-based analyses of real-world problems using GAMS. Those seeking to extend existing tools available to CGE modelers will be given special consideration.
  • upload their CV and the finished version of their paper on the abstract submission form.

Wallace E. Tyner Travel Funds

Wally Tyner

In recognition of the late Professor Wally Tyner, who served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Center for Global Trade Analysis, the GTAP Center at Purdue University has provided funding in his name to support the participation of a promising young researcher at the annual GTAP conference.

In order to be considered, applicants must:
  • be early career researchers (graduate students or professionals with less than five years since their graduate degree)
  • be undertaking policy-relevant, research at the interface of the economy, energy and the environment. Preference will be given to research that bridges disciplinary boundaries.
  • upload their CV and the finished version of their paper on the abstract submission form

PANAP Conference Participation Grant for African Researchers

The objective of the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP) is to foster collaboration between researchers and policymakers in and for Africa, and to encourage their joint work on selected topics linked to policy priorities that reinforce the resilience and enhance the development of sustainable African agriculture and food sectors. Furthermore, PANAP provides support for the development of quantitative policy analysis skills among African researchers and institutions. The network also provides opportunities and support to African researchers to exchange knowledge with their counterparts around the globe.

PANAP is a joint initiative between the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC), the African Union Commission - Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA).

PANAP is offering support for the participation of two African researchers at the annual GTAP Conference. The aim is to encourage applied, policy-relevant research relating to African agri-food system issues using modelling, particularly CGE modelling.

In order to be considered, applicants must:
  • be an African national and a PANAP member
  • be actively engaged in conducting applied, policy-relevant, model-based analyses of African agri-food system issues
  • upload their CV and the finished version of their paper on the abstract submission form

GTAP Conference Scholars Program

Jan 15 Deadline

The goal of the GTAP Conference Scholars Program is to provide first-time student presenters the opportunity to "dry-run" their presentation in a virtual environment (simulated conference session) prior to the conference, receive live feedback from the audience, and have time to reflect on, and incorporate changes before their presentation during the conference.

To achieve this goal, first-time student scholars who opt into the program on the abstract submission form and have their paper selected for presentation, will be grouped and scheduled into online session(s) in early/mid-late May to simulate what they will experience (albeit online) during the conference. Presenters will have 15 minutes to present followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Following the session, student scholars should reflect on the questions and comments received and decide whether any adjustments need to be made to their presentation before the conference.

During the conference, student scholar’s presentations will be scheduled on the program with other papers of similar topic.

In order to be eligible for the program, individuals must:

  • be a current student that has not presented at the GTAP Conference before
  • submit a letter of recommendation from an advising professor in support of their acceptance into the program
    • letter should be addressed to the "GTAP Conference Scholars Program Committee"
    • letter will be uploaded as a PDF document during the abstract submission process
  • submit an abstract, which will go through the standard review process, and opt into the program on the abstract submission form

Those accepted into the program must meet all deadlines listed for the conference to remain on the program.

Program Timeline

Abstract and letter of recommendation due on GTAP website January 15
Notification of acceptance Late February/early March
Dry-run session(s) scheduled (Zoom) early-mid May
Scholars incorporate suggested changes (as needed) into their presentation Post dry-run


Professional and student registration includes participation in all sessions, daily coffee breaks and lunches, one reception, one dinner, and the conference materials. The accompanying person rate covers the reception and dinner only (e.g., no breaks, lunches, session attendance, or materials). If an accompanying person wishes to partake in any of these, they will need to register as a normal attendee.

Registration Process
Once a registration has been placed and approved, the registrant will be emailed an invitation letter and instructions for making payment. Credit card and wire transfer are the accepted methods of payment. For the latter option, the registrant will be emailed an invoice containing banking details after they have specified their payment method preference in our system. Once payment has been received in full, the registrant will be emailed a receipt.

Registration Period: January 6 – April 15, 2025
Payment Deadline: April 20, 2025
Registration Rates (USD)
Professional (Developed Country) $625
Professional (Developing1 Country) $470
Student2 (Developed Country) $315
Student2 (Developing1 Country) $160
Post-Conference Event3 $275
Accompanying Person4 $90
Rate Details and Eligibility Requirements
  1. Developing Country Rates - In order to be eligible for a developing country rate, registrants must currently be residing in a country listed on the "GTAP Developing Countries List".
  2. Student Rates - In order to be eligible for a student rate, registrants may be asked to provide proof of current academic status. The student rate is only available to current, full-time students. Post-docs and part-time students concurrently working in a professional capacity are not eligible for this rate.
  3. Post-Conference Event - For those interested, a day-trip on June 28 to the Akagera National Park, which is Central Africa’s largest protected wetland and the last remaining refuge for savannah-adapted species in Rwanda, is being offered. While in Akagera, attendees will go on a game drive to experience animal sightings of lions, rhinos, elephants, buffalos, zebras, giraffes, leopards, and hippos and crocodiles if near the waterways.

    Akagera National Park

    Registration and payment by the above deadlines are required for this trip. The registration fee includes roundtrip transportation between the Radisson Blu Hotel, Kigali and the national park in safari-outfitted vehicles, lunch, water, national park entry fees, game drives, and tips for the local guides. While in the national park, there may be opportunities for attendees to do other activities, all of which will come at the expense of the attendee.

    • Organizers are required to submit attendee names in advance of the trip for registration and entrance into the national park; therefore, registrations are non-transferrable and late requests for attendance will not be accommodated.
    • Attendees are responsible for holding/securing their own insurance prior to the trip in case of emergency.
    • This trip is strictly limited to the first 63 paying registrants.
    Registration Capacity 63
    Spots Available 63
    Tentative schedule (subject to change)
    4:45am Group meets for departure (Radisson Blu Hotel Lobby)
    5:00am Depart for Akagera National Park from lobby entrance of the Radisson Blu Hotel
    • On the way to the national park, a quick stop will be made at the Imigongo Art Center for guides to collect lunches and give attendees a chance to get a quick snack and coffee if they wish (at the attendee’s expense).
      • The convoy will stop at the art center on the way back in the afternoon, so if there are souvenirs, etc., attendees would like to purchase, it is recommended to do so at that time.
    8:00-8:30am Arrive in Akagera National Park
    3:30pm Depart Akagera National Park
    • On the way back to the Radisson Blu Hotel, the convoy will stop at the Imigongo Art Center so attendees can purchase a snack, drink, or souvenirs (at their own expense).
    6:00-7:00pm Arrive back at Radisson Blu Hotel
  4. Accompanying Person Rates - Those interested in registering an accompanying person, such as a spouse or partner, to attend the conference reception, dinner, and/or the post-conference event must contact Ginger Batta directly and provide the following information so payment can be arranged.
    • Name of accompanying person
    • Accompanying person's dietary restrictions
      • None, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-free, or Other (please specify)
    • Does the accompanying person plan to go on the post-conference event?

    Please note that the accompanying person rate covers the reception and dinner only (e.g., no breaks, lunches, session attendance, or materials). If an accompanying person wishes to partake in any of these, they will need to register as a normal attendee. Registrations and payments for accompanying persons must follow the deadlines listed above. For planning purposes, please do not request for registration/payment outside of these dates.

Registration Updates/Cancellations
All changes and/or cancellations to registrations should be emailed directly to Ginger Batta ( Registered participants who are unable to attend will receive an 100% refund until April 20, 2025. No refunds will be issued after this date. Deferments to future conferences are not allowed.

Travel and Transportation

Vaccination Requirements
All travelers should be up-to-date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. For requirements specific to Rwanda, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Invitation Letters
Invitation letters will be emailed to registrants when their registration has been approved. Physical invitation letters will not be provided. Please contact Ginger Batta ( if you have questions, concerns, or require edits to your invitation letter.
Those requiring a visa to enter Rwanda should review the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration's website, specifically the section on "V5-Conference and meetings", for details on applying for and obtaining the appropriate visa.
The Kigali International Airport (KGL) is located approximately 6km from the Radisson Blu Hotel & Convention Centre.
From the Kigali International Airport, the following transportation options are available. Additionally, rideshare companies YegoMoto and Move by Volkswagen operate in Kigali.


Participants are responsible for securing and paying for their own lodging. Reservation blocks, for those wishing to utilize them, have been secured at the following hotels. Participants should check with each hotel for specifics on taxes, breakfast, internet, cancellation policies, and check-in/out times.

Hotel Reservations Rate/Night (USD) Deadline Distance
Radisson Blu Hotel
KG 2 Roundabout
Kigali, Rwanda
Book Online
Group Code: GTAP25
Rooms Available: 147
Superior Room with Balcony
$203/night + tax
April 30 Adjacent
Lemigo Hotel
Kimirura KG 624 St.
Kigali, Rwanda
Send completed credit card authorization form to the emails listed on the form.
Group ID: GTAP/LH-2362025
Rooms Available: 30 standard; 70 deluxe
Standard Room
$130/night + tax

Deluxe Room
$160/night + tax
May 5 750m

Special Recognition

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
  • Stephen Karingi - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Program Committee

  • Channing Arndt
  • Ousmane Badiane
  • Antoine Bouët
  • Ole Boysen
  • Shenjie Chen
  • Christian Arnault Emini
  • Shinichiro Fujimori
  • Trudi Hartzenberg
  • Ken Itakura
  • Maryla Maliszewska
  • Andrew Mold
  • Elijah Munyi
  • Brian Mureverwi
  • Mustapha Sadni Jallab
  • Jan Schmitz
  • Fousseini Traore
  • Komi Tsowou

Contact Information

Ginger Batta (
Lead Program Manager
Center for Global Trade Analysis
Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056 USA

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Center for Global Trade Analysis
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2056 USA

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