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Member Details
Thomas Rutherford

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 2/28/2014
Visits: 11,008
Dr. Thomas Rutherford

University of Wisconsin Madison
Agricultural and Applied Economics
330 N. Orchard Street (4172)
Madison, WI 53715
United States
+1 608 316 4362 (ph)
0 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Thomas Rutherford

Thomas Rutherford's research specialty involves the formulation and analysis of large-scale economic equilibrium models. He has contributed several ideas to the literature in applied general-equilibrium methodology, and his policy work has ranged from an analysis of the effect of trade and economic growth to the economic effects of carbon emissions restrictions in response to global warming.

PhD 1987, Stanford University (Operations Research, Supervisor: Alan S. Manne)
BS 1977, Yale University. (Engineering and Applied Science)


  1. UW, Madison, Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2012-
  2. ETH, Zürich, Professor of Energy Economics, 2008-2011
  3. University of Colorado. Professor of Economics, 1992-2005.
  4. University of Western Ontario. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1987-1992.
  5. Yale University. Postdoctoral research associate and lecturer. 1986-1987.
  6. Norwegian School of Economics. Researcher. 1982-1983.
  7. Peace Corps, Nepal. Rural suspension bridge engineer. 1977-1979.

Academic Honours and Awards

GTAP Hall of Fame Award, User Community of the Global Trade Analysis Project, 2007.
Daeyang Prize (with Glenn W. Harrison and David G. Tarr), Journal of Economic Integration, 1997.
Cowles Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Yale University. 1986.
Yale College McCloskey award in mechanical engineering. 1977.

Foreign Languages
Nepali, Norwegian

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