GTAP Data Bases: Free Data Bases and Related Utilities
The page provides a listing of free data bases and related utilities. Please contact Jeremy Douglas if you are interested in having a link posted on this page.GTAP Data Base
- GTAPAgg Demo - This demo may be used to produce up to 3x3 aggregations of the GTAP Data Base.
- GTAP Data Base Archives - Previous versions of the GTAP Data Base. Versions that are at least 2 releases old are freely available for download.
- GTAP Africa Data Bases
- GTAP Summary in Excel Programs - The 'GTAP Summary in Excel Programs' are a suite of programs designed to improve access to the GTAP Data Base for non-GEMPACK users. It has been developed by the Productivity Commission, building on previous work by GTAP and enables the generation of Excel workbooks containing a summary of each country's economic statistics in individual worksheets. Registered members of the GTAP website may access the GTAP 7 Data Base Summary Matrices as well as the GTAP 6 Data Base Summary Matrices.
- GView - This free utility may be used to look at aggregations of the GTAP 6 Data Base.
- SAM extraction program - GTAP Technical Paper No. 22 includes some GAMS and GEMPack programs for extracting SAMS from the GTAP data. This program was developed by Scott McDonald. Note that this program is now part of the GTAPAgg program that comes with new GTAP Data Bases.
Utilities for Contributing to or Manipulating the GTAP Data Base
- I-O Contributors - Utilities available to assist contributors with producing GTAP-ready I-O tables.
- TASTE: Tariff Analytical and Simulation Tool for Economists - TASTE is a program, developed by Mark Horridge and David Laborde, that reads from the MAcMapsHS6 data, produced by ITC-Geneva. The TASTE program addresses two needs of GTAP users: 1) To prepare files of tariff shocks where GTAP users need information about bound rates (not part of GTAP) and applied rates at a detailed sectoral level (HS6) and 2) To provide tariff data for SplitCom, which allows you to split one or more of the supplied sectors in GTAP. Dr. Janine Pelikan, of the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig has very kindly prepared the TASTE Add-ons since GTAP 8. TASTE for GTAP 10 is freely available to the public.
- SplitCom - The aim of the SplitCom project is to develop a set of programs to facilitate the addition of sectors to a standard GTAP Data Base. For example, one might wish to split GTAP's mvh (motor vehicles and parts) sector into three: "Cars", "OtherMV" and "MVparts". This program was developed by Mark Horridge.
Utilities for GAMs users
- The GTAPinGAMS programs include tools for translation of the GTAP files into GAMS readable form, GAMS programs for dataset aggregation, filtering and the imposition of alternative tax rates on trade or domestic transactions. Versions of GTAPinGAMs:
- The SAM extraction program - GTAP Technical Paper No. 22 includes some GAMS programs for extracting SAMS from the GTAP data and making them useable with global Gams models. These programs were developed by Scott McDonald.
- GDX2HAR - Utilities written by Tom Rutherford and Mark Horridge make it relatively easy to convert data between GEMPACK and GAMS.
Other Useful Utilities
- Shademap - Shademap is a tool for shading or coloring regions of simple maps according to each region's "score". This program was developed by Mark Horridge.
- DAGG - DAGG is a command-line program for aggregating, disaggregating and RASsing data on header array files (with lengthy instruction document and FORTRAN source). This program was developed by Mark Horridge.
Free Satellite Data and Utilities
GTAP 9 Satellite Data and Utilities History
GTAP-Power 9a Data Base
- Documentation
- GTAPAgg2 Package format (February 2016)
- GTAPAgg (2004, 2007, 2011) (August 2015)
- FlexAgg (2004, 2007, 2011) (August 2015)
GDyn 9a Data Base for 2011
- GTAPAgg2 Package format (May 2017)
- FlexAgg (2011) (May 2017)
GTAP-E 9a Data Base
- GTAPAgg2 Package format (February 2016)
- FlexAgg (2004, 2007, 2011) (February 2016)
Non-CO2 Emissions for 2011
- CONSLD_2011.har (February 2016)
GMig2 Data Base
- GTAPAgg2 Package format (February 2016)
- FlexAgg (2004, 2007, 2011) (February 2016)
GTAP 9 Land Use and Land Cover Data Base
- Documentation
- GTAP LULC v9.0a (August 2017)
- GTAP LULC v9.1 (August 2017)
- GTAP LULC v9.2 (August 2017)
- GTAP LULC supplementary shapefile
GTAP-Power 9a Data Base
GTAP 8 Satellite Data and Utilities
- GTAP-E 8.1 Data Base
- FlexAgg 2004 (May 2013)
- FlexAgg 2007 (May 2013)
- GMig2 8.1 Data Base
- FlexAgg 2004 (May 2013)
- FlexAgg 2007 (May 2013)
- GDyn 8.1 Data Base
- FlexAgg 2004 (May 2013)
- FlexAgg 2007 (May 2013)
- Non-CO2 Emissions 8 Data Base (March 2014)
- GTAP 8.1 Land Use and Land Cover Data Base
Steps to follow- Create a new folder C:\TASTE81 (or similar short and simple name).
- Download and unzip the file [22MB] into C:\TASTE81. This download will be quick.
- Download the file records.7z [282MB] into C:\TASTE81. The download will take a long time. Then open a DOS box (console) in C:\TASTE81 and enter the command: UNPACK.BAT After several minutes the compressed archive records.7z will be unpacked to create file records.dat, size 2.52GB.
- To run the program, enter: TASTE
- GTAP-E 8.1 Data Base
GTAP 7 Satellite Data and Utilities
- GTAP-E Aggregations (August 2011)
- GDyn 7.1 Data Base (August 2011)
- GMig2 7.1 Data Base (August 2011)
- Hummels Time Costs in Trade (June 2011)
- Land Use Data Base (July 2010)
- Non-CO2 Emissions Dataset (January 2010)
- GMig2 7 Data Base (November 2009)
- GDyn 7 Data Base (March 2009)
Other Satellite Data and Utilities
- GMig2 6.2 Data Base (October 2007)
- GDyn 6 Data Base (March 2007)
- The Value of Time in Trade - GTAP Data Base of AVEs for Estimating the Impacts of Swift Customs Clearance and Shipping V8.1 - The World Trade Organization (WTO) Bali Package that passed last week has a large trade facilitation component to it. CGE researchers interested in modeling the impacts of trade facilitation will be happy to know an updated data set of ad valorem tariff equivalents (AVEs) of the value of time in trade is now available free of charge. The AVE data set is consistent with the GTAP 8.1 Data Base. The data set provides AVEs for reducing one day in the time it takes to move internationally traded goods based on David Hummel's research on the value of time in trade. The database also contains information from the World Bank Doing Business Survey on the number of days to cross international borders including customs clearance, ports, and inland transport of international goods. New users of the database are encouraged to read the documentation carefully. Researchers already using this database (it has been available for a number of years) are encouraged to review the literature survey contained on the download page to gain new insights into the implementation of the data.
- Global Database of Foreign Affiliate Sales - contains data describing foreign affiliate activity for all of the 57 sectors and 129 regions in GTAP 8 Data Base by Fukui, Tani and Csilla Lakatos
- CGE Baseline Data and Documentation - Projections data, baselines documentations and GemPack programs to help GTAP users in constructing their own baseline for GTAP or GDyn.
- Global FDI Dataset - A global bilateral multi-region multi-sector foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks and flows database has been contributed to GTAP by Christophe Gouel, Houssein Guimbard and David Laborde at CEPII (Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales) as a result of a project initiated by DG Trade of the European Commission. This database is fully consistent, balanced and suitable for use in CGE work. This has now been extended to all 57 GTAP sectors by Csilla Lakatos, Thomas Chappius and Terrie Walmsley. This latest FDI dataset is based on CEPII_FDI_flow_neg_v1_1 and CEPII_FDI_stocks_v1_1, 2011-05-03, and consistent with the GTAP 7 Data Base.
GTAP 6 Dataset produced as part of the Project on Towards An Integrated Data Base for Assessing the Potential for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
- CO2 emissions data (documentation and data for GTAP 6 and 7 Data Bases)
Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions (NCGGs) are responsible for almost a third of historic radiative forcing, and land related activities contribute approximately two thirds of global NCGG emissions. Therefore, modeling of NCGG emissions is essential for projecting climate change and evaluating the net environmental effectiveness of alternative climate change mitigation strategies. GTAP NCGG emissions dataset highlights NCGG emissions associated with land-based activities, and the heterogeneity of sectoral and regional NCGG emissions. The NCGG dataset complements the GTAP fossil fuel combustion CO2 emissions database and the forest carbon stock dataset. Together, the datasets provide a fairly complete GHG emissions and carbon sink profile for each sector within each region. The GTAP NCGG emissions data were derived from new highly disaggregated country-level emissions source data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Unlike other NCGG databases, the data was specifically developed for direct integration with economic activity datasets. The detailed USEPA source emissions data and the explicit linking of NCGG emissions directly to emissions drivers (e.g., energy use, land use, fertilizer, capital) during the mapping to the GTAP economic activity dataset, allows for more explicit, realistic, and internally consistent modeling of emissions activity and mitigation technologies and costs. The NCGG dataset was collaboratively developed by USEPA and Purdue University's Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP).
- Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data for Climate Change Economic Analysis (by Rose and Lee)
- Non-CO2 emissions v2.0 (Most recent version for GTAP 6 Data Base)
- Land cover/use data (documentation and data for GTAP 6 Data Base)
- GTAP 6 Datasets produced as part of the Project on Bilateral Labor Migration
- Inter-country distances between all 113 GTAP 7 regions - Inter-country distances between all 113 GTAP 7 regions Links to GAMs and GEMPACK versions of material prepared by Tom Rutherford showing inter-country distances between all 113 GTAP 7 regions; with short program to compute the distance matrix for an aggregated region set.
- Agricultural Distortions Database - The Database of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives is a product of the World Bank's project -Distortions to Agricultural Incentives.
- Alternative Agricultural Price Distortions for CGE Analysis of Developing Countries, 2004 and 1980-84 - Includes Altertax experiment and shock files to incorporate this for GTAP 7 Data Base.
Other Databases and Resources (not free)
- Social Hotspots Database - The Social Hotspot Database (SHDB) project was launched in 2009 to make comprehensive and detailed information on supply chain human rights and working conditions available to everyone. It is a project centered at New Earth, a not-for-profit focused on information systems for sustainability. A key aspect of the project has been to ensure that users have full transparent access to information about working conditions and impacts and global supply chains, and also about the hundreds of sources used as well as the methods used to characterize risks within the SHDB.
Last Modified: 10/2/2024 6:40:51 AM