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GTAP Resource #4619

"The GTAP-Power Data Base: Disaggregating the Electricity Sector in the GTAP Data Base"
by Peters, Jeffrey C.

Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are ubiquitous in energy and environmental economics research. Recent technological advancements in electricity fuels, generation technologies, and environmental policies which target specific generation technologies (e.g., emission regulations) have motivated detailed CGE modeling of the electricity sector. Modeling these issues requires distinct electricity generating technologies in a CGE database. Researchers using the GTAP Data Base have disaggregated the electricity sector into generating technologies independently using largely disparate, incomparable methodologies. This paper presents a methodology to create an electricity-detailed CGE database with transmission and distribution and several generating technologies, termed the GTAP-Power Data Base. The GTAP-Power Data Base extends the GTAP 9 Data Base in that all of the GTAP 9 data are included in the GTAP-Power version. The methodology leverages available economic and technological data along with informed expert assumptions regarding the structure of the electricity sector. Furthermore, it is transparent, repeatable, and publicly-available to encourage a common electricity-detailed CGE database for researchers and to promote continuous improvement of the database. Major limitations in the initial version accompanying GTAP 9 Data Base are the lack of regional coverage in input cost data and disparity between available data and the total values for the electricity aggregate.

Please cite as:
Peters, J.C. (2016) The GTAP-Power Data Base: Disaggregating the Electricity Sector in the GTAP Data Base. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 1(1) 209-250.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 9 Satellite Data and Utilities Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Journal of Global Economic Analysis
Date: 2016
Version: 1
Created: Peters, J. (4/2/2015)
Updated: Batta, G. (2/14/2020)
Visits: 10,489
- Baseline development
- Model validation and sensitivity analysis
- Software and modeling tools
- Climate change policy
- Climate impacts
- Other data bases and data issues
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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Comments (1 posted)
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Posted by: Tayyab, Syed Muhammad Usman   11/4/2019 9:13:00 AM
I have the GTAP database v9. I also have the supplementary program for GTAP-P. But I do not seems to make it work. According to the log file, I am missing "erp.har"

Where can I get "erp.har" file ?

I would really appreciate the help.