GTAP Data Bases: Other Data and Models
Other GTAP Models- GTAP-AEZ modifies the standard GTAP model by spatially disaggregating land use and land cover in agriculture, pasture and forestry by agro-ecological zone (AEZ). It draws upon publicly available geospatial maps as well as state-of-the-art definition of AEZs from the FAO and IIASA.
- GTAP-E is an extension of the GTAP framework (data base and model) used to evaluate costs of abatement and to assess the spill-over effects of greenhouse gases (GHG) abatement policies via international trade and sectoral interaction.
- GTAP-GMig2 extends the GTAP framework to include bilateral labor migration data and is explicitly modeled to track the movement of workers and estimate the level of remittances. It is used in the analysis of labor migration issues.
- GTAP-POV is another extension of the GTAP framework to analyze poverty impacts of global economic policies across a wide range of developing countries, in a way which enables systematic cross-country comparisons.
GTAP-Power Jeffrey Peters explains how the electricity sector plays a crucial role in the global economy.
Referencing the extension, GTAP-Power Data Base. - Land Use and Land Cover Data Base builds global land cover and land use databases for base years: 2004, 2007 and 2011. Unlike previous versions, the data is directly constructed from publicly available geospatial maps (circa 2000/01 at 5-minute grid resolution). These are then aggregated for each AEZ-region and updated to each base year using national level output price, land use and land cover information from FAOSTAT (2016). A FlexAgg program for this database is currently in development and will be available for each base year.
Other GTAP Data-based Models
- AIM is widely used in the Asia-Pacific Integrated Modeling group assessments. This is a recursive type computable general equilibrium model.
- CGEBox is a flexible, extendable and modular code basis for CGE modeling in GAMS drawing on the GTAP data base, combined with a powerful user interface based on GAMS Graphical User Interface Generator.
- ENVISAGE model stands for Environmental Impact and Sustainability Applied General Equilibrium Model. It is designed to analyze a variety of issues related to the economics of climate change.
- FTAP Model is a comparative static, computable general equilibrium model of the world economy that includes a treatment of foreign direct investment on a bilateral basis. The FTAP model was developed in stages from the GTAP Model, with the addition of the structure necessary to support the analysis of services liberalization. A major component of this liberalization is the removal of barriers to FDI in the services sector. The FTAP framework was used in the report Multilateral Liberalization of Trade in Services written by Dee and Hanslow in 2000. The equations of the FTAP model are documented in a research memorandum, intended to provide self- contained documentation for the FTAP equation system. The research memorandum, the model software and the three sector database are found here. Further development of the FTAP framework was used in the report Global Gains from Liberalizing Trade in Telecommunications and Financial Services, written by Verikios and Zhang in 2001. This 8-sector, improved version, labeled FTAP2, is documented in: Verikios, G. and Zhang, X-G. 2001, FTAP2: Theory and Data, Research Memorandum. Productivity Commission, Canberra. This is available on request from the Productivity Commission.
- G-Cubed is a global intertemporal general equilibrium model that is a hybrid of a conventional CGE model and a DSGE model from macroeconomics. It has been extensively used for climate policy, trade policy, macroeconomic policy and demographic change.
- G-RDEM is a GTAP-Based Recursive Dynamic CGE Model for Long-Term Baseline Generation and Analysis.
- GEM-E3 is a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model that covers the interactions between the economy, the energy system and the environment. The world version of GEM-E3 is based on the GTAP Data Base.
- GLOBE is a SAM based global CGE model calibrated using the GTAP Data Base.
- GRACE stands for Global Responses to Anthropogenic Changes in the Environment. This is a computable general equilibrium model developed to analyse economic consequences of climate policy and impacts of climate change to the world economy.
GTAPinGAMs - There is also a version of the GTAP model written in GAMS called GTAPinGAMS which was developed by Tom Rutherford. These programs should be useful to economists who program in GAMS and wish to use GTAP in applied work. These programs include tools for translation of the GTAP files into GAMS readable form, GAMS programs for dataset aggregation, filtering and the imposition of alternative tax rates on trade or domestic transactions. The following publication in the Journal of Global Economic Analysis contains additional information.
Versions of GTAPinGAMs: - GTEM - The global trade and environment model is a dynamic multi region, multi sector, general equilibrium model of the world economy.
- ICES (Intertemporal Computable Equilibrium System) model is a recursive dynamic general equilibrium model developed with the main (but not exclusive) purpose to assess the final welfare implication of climate change impacts on world economies.
- Linkage - This is a global dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model maintained by the World Bank to support global trade policy analysis.
- MAGNET has the standard GTAP model at its core with all extensions added in a modular fashion. The Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool has been used extensively in agricultural, environmental and trade policy analysis.
- Manage model is a (recursive) dynamic single country computable general equilibrium (CGE) model designed to focus on energy, emissions and climate change.
- Mirage - This is another a multi-region, multi-sector computable general equilibrium model, devoted to trade policy analysis. It incorporates many features in a sequential dynamic set-up.
- MyGTAP is a user-based initiative to extend the Standard GTAP model to include new features and data, providing the means to analyze country level impacts of international trade policy on households and governments.
- WorldScan - WorldScan is a recursively dynamic general equilibrium model for the world economy, developed for the analysis of long-term issues in international economics.
Other Models
- Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) and Gempack - Gempack is a General equilibrium modelling software developed at CoPS and used by CGE modellers world-wide. The standard GTAP Model is implemented using Gempack. The Centre of Policy Studies also develops and maintains a number of single country comparative static and dynamic models for Australia and many other countries. Crusoe Suite - If you have sets, flows and parameter files acceptable to the standard GTAP Model, you can use the freeware CRUSOE45 program to extract from the GTAP data files in a new file containing data for one region only. The extracted data might be used for a single country CGE model. CRUSOE is available from the CoPS website.
- PEP Standard CGE Models - The Modelling and Policy Impact Analysis (MPIA) network assists developing country researchers in constructing models of their national economy to simulate the impact of macroeconomic shocks/policies on various dimensions of poverty and welfare. To do so, it applies a combination of macro-micro modelling and simulation techniques. The macroeconomic approach uses a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to account for the structural aspects of a country's economy, i.e. the interactions among sectors and institutions, and their links with the global economy. The CGE framework is then combined to a micro-econometric behavioural model - based on information provided by national representative surveys - in order to assess the various impacts of structural movements on the country's individuals and households, in terms of welfare. For some twenty years now, PEP-funded researchers have been successfully trained and supported in the use of such techniques. In recent years, however, MPIA leaders came to find that there was a need for reference models that were more elaborate and closer to real-life conditions than the ones that had been used so far. Moreover, they realized policymakers face new challenges that call for impact assessments that look both forward in time and beyond national boundaries to the global economy. And so, lead researchers of the MPIA network (Bernard Decaluwe, Andre Lemelin, Helene Maisonnave, Veronique Robichaud) have devoted time and energy to creating a series of new standard CGE models.
Last Modified: 2/20/2025 9:13:55 AM