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GTAP Resource #3731

"GTAP-POV: A Framework for Assessing the National Poverty Impacts of Global Economic and Environmental Policies"
by Hertel, Thomas, Monika Verma, Maros Ivanic, Eduardo Magalhaes, Carlos Ludena and Ana R. Rios

The goal of this technical paper is to provide sufficient detail to permit readers to bring into the GTAP poverty framework additional countries for which suitable household data are available. With the inputs from processed household data – as per the guidelines provided here – the poverty framework can be readily used to assess the likely poverty impacts of global economic policies across a wide range of developing countries, in a fashion which enables systematic cross-country comparisons.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Technical Paper
Status: Published
By/In: GTAP Technical Paper No. 31
Date: 2011
Created: Alexander, M. (11/1/2011)
Updated: Kincaid, W. (9/22/2015)
Visits: 12,935
- Economic analysis of poverty

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