GTAP 11 Data Base

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GTAP Data Bases: GTAP Data Base Pricing

Need a Quote?
Please email and include your organization, country of residence, and the type of license (below) you are interested in purchasing.

License Agreement
Please review the Conditions on the Use and Supply of the GTAP 11 Data Package. By submitting an order, the licensee is agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions detailed in said agreement.

Procurement Process
Please review and complete the GTAP Data Base order form.

GTAP 11 Data Base (USD)
Income Economy
Low Income
  New Upgrade New Upgrade New Upgrade
Government/Private Sector $6,240 $4,060 $3,740 $2,430 $2,500 $1,630
Library Academic $4,620 $3,000 $2,770 $1,800 $1,850 $1,200
Multiple Academic $2,310 $1,500 $1,390 $900 $920 $600
Single Academic $1,220 $790 $730 $470 $490 $320
GTAP Data Base licenses are perpetual. Purchasers pay a one-time fee to use the specific version purchased indefinitely and would only pay again if they decided to purchase the next version.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Upgrade prices are only available to licensees of the GTAP 10 Data Base.
  • Note Regarding Consultants - Consultants may only use the GTAP Data Base purchased by a contracting organization if that contracting organization provides the consultant with a computer (with the data base installed) to use for the duration of a project or consulting agreement. The contracting organization cannot share their purchased GTAP Data Base with the consultant for use on any computer not owned by the contracting organization. If the contracting organization will not provide the consultant with a computer, the consultant must purchase the data base on their own.

License Types

  • Non-Academic
    • Government/Private Sector License - This license type should be purchased by anyone NOT currently employed by or enrolled in a teaching college/university. This license may be shared with any number of users working strictly within the licensee's designated department/division.
      Example: If XYZ Corporation’s Department of Economic Modeling purchases this type of license, the data base can be made available to and used by any current XYZ employee working within that specific department.
  • Academic - Licensee and all users must currently be employed by or enrolled in a specified teaching college/university.
    • Library Academic License - This license may be shared with any number of users strictly within the licensee's designated college/university. The library academic license is essentially a “site-wide” academic license.
      Example: If Purdue University purchases this type of license, the data base can be made available to and used by any current employee or student on its campus.
    • Multiple Academic License - This license may be shared with any number of users strictly within the licensee's designated department at the college/university.
      Example: If the Purdue University’s Department of Agricultural Economics purchases this type of license, the data base can be made available to and used by any current employee or student in that specific department.
    • Single Academic License - This license is restricted to a single user currently employed by or enrolled in a specified teaching college/university.
      Example: If a professor from Purdue University purchases this type of license, that person is the only user of the data base and cannot share it with others.