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GTAP Data Bases: GTAP 11 Satellite Data and Utilities

GTAP 11 Satellite Data and Utilities

The GTAP Satellite Data and Utilities listed below allow users to more easily use and adapt the full suite of GTAP Models for analysis of global trade and environmental issues. Purchasers of the GTAP 11 Data Base will automatically get access to these data sets.

Composition and Documentation

  • GTAP-E Data Base - The GTAP-E Data Base provides carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions data distinguished by fuel and by user for each of the 160 countries/regions in the GTAP 11 Data Base. GTAP-E data is based on: GTAP 11 and extended energy balances compiled by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
  • GTAP Power Data Base - GTAP-Power is an electricity-detailed extension of the GTAP Data Base. The GTAP 'ely' sector is disaggregated into: transmission & distribution, nuclear, coal, gas (base and peak load), oil (base and peak load), hydroelectric (base and peak load), wind, solar, and other power technologies. These new sectors are combined with the original GTAP sectors resulting in a data base with 76 sectors.
  • GTAP Land Use and Cover Data Base - The land use and land cover extension of GTAP (GTAP LULC database) and its variants have been extensively used in a wide variety of applications aimed at examining the land-environment-energy nexus. For each of the GTAP regions, land endowment is represented by 18 Agro-ecological zones.
  • GTAP Circular Economy Data Base - Contains detailed representation of primary, secondary, and recycling activities for metals (steel, aluminum, copper, etc.) and plastics, detailed representation of fertilizers, as well as disaggregated cement activity.
  • GDyn Data Base - Augments the GTAP Data Base with foreign income receipts and payments as described in detail in McDougall et al. (2012) and Golub (2016). The GDYN model incorporates a new treatment of investment behavior and additional accounting relations to keep track of foreign ownership of capital.
  • GMig2 Data Base - Extends the GTAP Data Base with international bilateral migration and remittances (Aguiar and Walmsley, 2025). The GMig2 model, explicitly modeled to track the movement of workers and estimate the level of remittances (Walmsley, Winters, Ahmed, 2013).
  • Air pollution dataset - Emissions for 9 substances are reported in the database: black carbon (BC), carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia (NH3), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), organic carbon (OC), particulate matter 10 (PM10), particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). For documentation please refer to Research Memorandum No. 33.
  • Complementary Greenhouse Gas emissions - Previous NCO2 database is extended to include emissions for non-energy combustion CO2, CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrous oxide) and the group of 25 fluorinated gases (F-gases) for all the reference years of GTAP 11. Each emission flow is associated with one of the four sets of emission drivers: output by industries, endowment by industries, input use by industries and consumption by households. The estimates are based on the most recent data from Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and EDGAR v6.0 greenhouse gas emissions database. Documentation is coming soon.
  • Food balance sheets - Nutritional accounts are based on the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) data to estimate nutritional content. Calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates are estimated and reported. Also included are use categories that account for food, feed, seed, losses and other uses. In terms of food supply, we identify primary commodity sectors, food processing sectors and service sectors that supply food. For detailed documentation please refer to Chepeliev (2022) "Incorporating Nutritional Accounts to the GTAP Data Base"

Additional resources

Technical Support

GTAP Network members in need of technical support are encouraged to use the following avenues to request assistance. General, non-technical inquiries may be addressed to

    The Center for Global Trade Analysis maintains a searchable repository of frequently asked questions on many different aspects of GTAP.
  • GTAP-L Mailing List
    GTAP-L is an email-based list to which many members of the GTAP Network subscribe in order to receive updates on the GTAP Data Base, model, events, jobs and technical assistance. For further information, to subscribe or to access a searchable archive of GTAP-L messages, please visit the GTAP-L Mailing List homepage
  • GTAP Support Email is an account monitored by the Center for Global Trade Analysis' data team. Network members can email to reach a GTAP staff member for technical support on any GTAP product.

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Center for Global Trade Analysis
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2056 USA

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