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GTAP Resource #1645

"Deriving a Global Social Accounting Matrix from GTAP Versions 5 and 6 Data"
by McDonald, Scott and Karen Thierfelder

This paper reports a method for converting versions 5 and 6 of the GTAP Data Base into a global SAM that is stored in both the GAMS data exchange (GDX) and Header Array (HAR) formats. The focus of attention is on the generation of a SAM representation of the GTAP Data Base that is fully consistent with the GTAP model; as such the resultant SAM can be readily used to calibrate a version of the GTAP model that had been coded in GAMS. The GAMS code used to generate the SAM representation of the GTAP Data Base is provided as a GAMS model library – this code has been tested with versions 5.3, 5.4 and 6.0 (pre release 5) of the GTAP Data Base.

Keywords: Social Accounting Matrix, Trade Analysis, Computable General Equilibrium.

Correspondence: Dr Scott McDonald

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Technical Paper
Status: Published
By/In: GTAP Technical Paper No. 22
Date: 2004
Created: Conner, J. (12/14/2004)
Updated: Batta, G. (4/12/2012)
Visits: 29,703
- Software and modeling tools

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  File format Gempack version of SAM extraction program  (1.5 MB)   Replicated: 0 time(s)
  File format GTAP Technical Paper No. 22   (230.2 KB)   Replicated: 0 time(s)

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Comments (11 posted)
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Posted by: Elliott, Joshua   3/18/2009 5:26:00 PM
Just wondering if this will be updated to version 7 soon. Thank!

Posted by: McDonald, Scott   3/19/2009 4:16:00 AM
The code has been updated to version 7 - some months ago. Since the structure of the GTAP database has not changed - beyond extending the number of regions - there is no need to revise the text.

Posted by: Elliott, Joshua   4/11/2009 3:35:00 PM
Sorry to spam this comment thread, but I couldn't get your (Dr. McDonald's) email-to link to work.

This is a very useful bit of code. Thanks very much. However, I am wondering about the best way to create aggregations of the resulting SAMs (I am using the GAMS version). Has globaggr.gms been updated to work with version 7? Is it possible to obtain the file Aggr.xls that generated globaggr.gms to facilitate making my own aggregations?

Thanks again!

Posted by: Veliz, Gonzalo   11/10/2009 2:21:00 PM
Is there any way to get the SAM from different countries? (not just an aggregated SAM). Thanks!

Posted by: McDonald, Scott   1/16/2011 11:24:00 AM
The SAM generated by this code is 3 dimensional - incomes, expenditure and regions. If you are using the GAMS version then use GDXViewer and filter the parameter SAMG so that dim1 is 'row header', dim2 is 'column header' and dim3 is the 'region' wanted. If using the GTAPAgg version then in the GTAPSam.har select the header 'SAM' and then set the filters to 'ALLSAMAC', ALLSAMAC' and the desired region.

Posted by: Wang, Kang   4/7/2011 3:03:00 AM
Can it be used for GTAP 7.0 ?

Posted by: McDonald, Scott   4/8/2011 12:22:00 PM
Dear Wang, Yes it does work with version 7 and 7.1 and the codes are available on the GTAP website. Also GTAPAgg for version 7.1 also contains the codes to produce a SAM. Scott

Posted by: Shiferaw, Habtamu   2/28/2016 11:59:00 PM
Is it possible to get SAM at bilateral level rather than at aggregate level? Thanks!

Posted by: McDonald, Scott   2/29/2016 4:08:00 AM
Dear Shiferaw, All the bilateral transactions recorded in the GTAP database are reported in the SAM IF you have a fully licensed version of the GTAP database. Scott

Posted by: Shiferaw, Habtamu   2/29/2016 5:08:00 AM
Dear, McDonald,Scott
i want to say Thanks for the information and i still need further information.
i have the license for GTAP 8 and 9. i have the aggregated SAM (ASAMA) for my country Ethiopia but i need this aggregated SAM at bilateral level. For example , A SAM between Ethiopia and USA or other country and Ethiopia. The bilateral trade statistics shows only the sum of import at bilateral level and at sector level. but i need the data on the destination of of the import. For example , VIPM at bilateral level.


Posted by: Haqiqi, Iman   11/23/2016 12:38:00 PM
The GTAP summary matrices in Excel for GTAP 7 Data Base regions and aggregated to 10 commodities/industries are available here: