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Member Details
Iman Haqiqi

Created: 4/22/2013
Updated: 12/16/2024
Visits: 7,157
Dr. Iman Haqiqi
Lead Research Economist

Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
KRAN #645
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
United States;
+1 765-494-4239 (ph)
+1 765 494-9176 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Iman Haqiqi

Iman Haqiqi is a research economist at Purdue University, GLASS: Global to Local Analysis of Systems Sustainability. Iman conducts policy-relevant research on the interaction of social and environmental systems addressing major sustainability and resilience challenges regarding international agricultural trade, land use, water resources, and climate change. He studies food security and environmental sustainability employing cutting-edge methods in coupling natural-human systems. The strength of his research is a global-to-local-to-global approach that considers economic feedbacks and local conditions. Recently, he coupled a global Water Balance Model with a global land-use model and a partial equilibrium trade model to establish an advanced framework in which he explores the consequences of a pandemic like COVID-19 co-occurring with heat and water stress.

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