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GTAP Resource #7004

"SIMPLE-G model, data, parameters, and implementation"
by Haqiqi, Iman

This paper will illustrate how a gridded equilibrium model can be parameterized. The model is constructed based on the SIMPLE-G framework (a Simplified International Model of agricultural Prices, Land use, and the Environment- Gridded version), using geospatial information of All-crops in the US for the year 2017 at 5 arc-min (squares of side 9.26km at the equator). The paper introduces the main variables, parameters, assumptions, and equilibrium conditions. It also introduces some useful computational techniques, tools, and lessons learned in the parameterization of such a large model within a couple of applications. The first application will focus on the global unintended consequences of local sustainability and conservation policies in the US. The purpose of the second application is to decompose the global drivers of the US land and water stresses at each grid cell.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2023
Version: 1
Created: Haqiqi, I. (4/15/2023)
Updated: Haqiqi, I. (4/15/2023)
Visits: 702
- Advances in quantitative methods
- Baseline development
- Calibration and parameter estimation
- Model extension/development
- Model validation and sensitivity analysis
- Environmental policies
- Land use
- Trade and the environment
- Water availability
- Other data bases and data issues

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