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GTAP Network: Research Fellows

Dates/Deadlines (EST)

Nominations April 30
Nominee Review late May
Awards Announced mid-June

This page lists GTAP Research Fellows, their contributions, and the term of their award. Individuals are awarded the GTAP Research Fellow distinction, for 3-year terms, in recognition of their significant contribution to the development of GTAP through:

  • contributions to the GTAP Data Base, parameters, models and related tools,
  • contributions to broadening GTAP through the development of GTAP CGE models and software,
  • outstanding research using the GTAP Data Base and/or models, or
  • contributions in advancing the use of GTAP strengthening CGE analysis and broadening the GTAP Network

GTAP Research Fellow nominations can be submitted by network members who are current research fellows, or who in the past five years, have contributed to the GTAP Data Base and/or presented a paper at the annual conference.

GTAP Network members who fit this criteria and are aware of anyone who has made significant contributions in the areas detailed above, are encouraged to nominate them for consideration for the 2025-2028 GTAP Research Fellow term. Nominations are accepted from early March through late April.

Following closure of the nomination period, a review committee, comprised of GTAP Advisory Board Representatives and GTAP Staff members, will review all nominees and convene in June during the Annual GTAP Advisory Board Meeting to determine awardees, which will then be announced during the Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis.

*GTAP Staff, GTAP Advisory Board Representatives, current GTAP Research Fellows and GTAP Research Fellow Hall of Fame inductees are not eligible for nomination.

June 2024 - May 2027 Research Fellows
  • Edward J. Balistreri - In recognition for his many contributions to the climate and trade-policy debates using CGE analysis, his innovative CGE modeling of heterogeneous firms in international trade and environmental economics, and for teaching GAMS/MPSGE courses that instruct participants how to use the GTAP Data Base in GAMS.
  • Christoph Böhringer - For outstanding research and publication using the GTAP Data Base and GTAP-based CGE models, and for contributing to the advancement of GTAP through his 25 years of conducting annual international modeling workshops for researchers and practitioners on the use of GTAP data and models for applied general equilibrium analysis.
  • Kirsten Boysen-Urban - For her teaching at the University of Hohenheim, which has continuously contributed to the knowledge of GTAP and the growth of the network, a strong research portfolio with valuable contributions to the analysis of agricultural and food markets, especially domestic support, using the GTAP Model, and publications on the impact of food waste, the EU Common Agricultural Policy, Brexit, and the resilience of global food systems.
  • Simon Mevel - For his many contributions to furthering the knowledge and use of GTAP and CGE modeling in Africa through leadership and support of training and capacity building for African researchers, and for his work and support of researchers contributing input-output statistics, thereby expanding African regional coverage in the GTAP Data Base.
  • Sebnem Sahin - For her path-breaking advancements in CGE modeling of green transitions and diligent analyses towards policy-oriented research on key environmental questions, as well as her contribution of the Afghanistan I-O table to the GTAP 11 Data Base.
June 2023 - May 2026 Research Fellows
  • Amanda Countryman - For being active in the GTAP community for many years through teaching GTAP courses, continually contributing to strengthening the knowledge of GTAP and growing the network, and her valuable research contributions to empirical analysis of trade policies and their effects on agricultural markets with the GTAP model, from which, she has authored papers on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic, as well as on tariffs and other border measures (e.g. SSMs), which have been published in highly ranked journals such as AAEA and Economic Modelling.
  • Justin Johnson - For his pioneering use of GTAP in the natural capital community, as well as his extensive collaborations and funding of GTAP center staff via research projects, and his lead authorship on a highly influential World Bank book titled: The Economic Case for Nature.
  • Florian Schiffmann - For his important contributions to the further development of GEMPACK software, particularly solution time speedup, which for the first time, made it practical to run full-sized GTAP simulations.
June 2022 – May 2025 Research Fellows
  • Alessandro Antimiani - For his many contributions to the GTAP Data Base, GTAP Technical Papers/Journal of Global Economic Analysis, and for being active in the GTAP policy scene in Brussels.
  • Heleen Bartelings - For her many contributions to the MAGNET team and consortium, which has led to increasing the profile of what CGE analyses can offer policymakers and international institutions.
  • Wolfgang Britz - For his major contributions to modular CGE models and systems combining different model types such as GTAP and CAPRI, and also contributing to the methodological development of model linkage and meta-modeling, and his current work on a re-cursive dynamic variant of CGEBox for long-term baseline construction.
  • James Giesecke - For his CGE contributions in regional modeling, tax analysis, finance, and disaster analysis, and supporting GTAP through the Centre of Policy Studies by allocating time for the GEMPACK team to service GTAP through software development, training, and support; and growing the global community of CGE modellers by promoting CoPS’ international CGE projects and training efforts and providing databases created as part of CoPS’ global modelling activities to the GTAP Data Base effort.
  • Maros Ivanic - For his work on improving the GTAP tools and making them accessible to more researchers through linking WiNDC with GTAP, developing a GTAP in R model, reverse-engineering HAR and SL4 files to allow GTAP-related analysis in open-source systems, and the linking of GTAP with a solver in R to allow for higher-order optimization, as well as his contributions to numerous research projects, including using GTAP to analyze the EUs Farm to Fork policy.
June 2021 – May 2024 Research Fellows
  • George Philippidis - For applying the GTAP Model and Data Base for almost three decades, developing new research lines and publishing in the highest quality journals. In the last years, he continuously supported EU domestic support data to the GTAP Data Base and spearheaded the implementation of SDGs in the GTAP context. His excellent work has raised the profile of GTAP-based models in the European Commission policy analysis context.
  • Maureen Rimmer - For outstanding and innovative theoretical contributions to GTAP and the broader field of CGE analysis.
  • Mustapha Sadni Jallab - For his contributions to the GTAP community through training and capacity development.
  • Niven Winchester - For his ongoing work and leadership as co-editor of the Journal of Global Economic Analysis, which provides a publication platform for the applied general equilibrium modeling community.
June 2020 – May 2023 Research Fellows
  • Jonas Luckmann - For extensive work on the broader field of CGE, specifically in water modelling, as well as his contributions to the GTAP Data Base.
  • Simon Mevel - For his contributions to knowledge and policy making using the GTAP Data Base, through leading the modeling work using GTAP at the UN Economic Commission for Africa, and his outstanding leadership in designing training for African researchers and policy makers.
  • Roberto Roson - For him seminal work on climate change, notably estimating the economic impacts that climate change may have on specific drivers such as tourism revenues, labor productivity, etc., as well as his body of work looking at water issues, firm heterogeneity and risk, and his most recent work that has provided a deep dive into the foundations of applied dynamic CGE modeling and how to think about changing preferences in consumer demand, technology parameters in production and the role of labor productivity in structural change.
June 2019 - May 2022 Research Fellows
  • Eddy Bekkers - For significant contributions in trade modeling: firm heterogeneity, gravity modelling, traded goods prices, food price pass through, foreign affiliate sales and trade in services, and for being instrumental in developing the WTO’s trade model, converting the standard GTAP model into a recursive dynamic model with additional features such as increasing returns to scale and Melitz-like features.
  • Wolfgang Britz - For significant advances in promoting the GTAP framework through the development of satellite data, especially in agriculture, and for the development of the CGEBox modeling software, which provides a flexible, extendable and modular code basis for CGE modeling in GAMS drawing on the GTAP Data Base, combined with a powerful user interface based on GGIG (GAMS Graphical User Interface Generator).
  • Everett Peterson - For outstanding contributions to GTAP theory and data bases through developing the first margins-inclusive version of the GTAP model -- along with a prototype data base, for pioneering a new approach to disaggregating agricultural activity using FAO data, and for recent work on developing a version of GTAP with frictional unemployment.
  • Anna Strutt - For being an extremely highly valued instructor on multiple GTAP Courses (standard and dynamic short courses and GTAP PTA), for her extensive analyses of trade agreements using the GTAP Data Base and model, estimation and modeling of non-tariff measures (NTM), as well as being a frequent attendee, presenter, reviewer, chair, and mentor/advisor at the annual conference.
2018-2021 Research Fellows
  • Michael Jerie - For playing a pivotal role in keeping GEMPACK running smoothly on ever-evolving hardware, thus providing a vital service by facilitating others’ (and his own) research, in additional to developing and offering GEMPACK training courses, to thousands of GTAP modelers.
  • Lionel Fontagné - For sustained contributions to the GTAP Network which have emphasized the measurement of border protection and the use of CGE analysis to address key trade policy issues.
  • Marijke Kuiper - For outstanding leadership in the development and use of the MAGNET model in the context of many different applications.
  • Jose Manuel Rueda-Cantuche - For his contributions as the project leader and being a main contributor from the JRC to the EU-GTAP project, which was an unprecedented effort in data collection and processing that involved delivering a consistent set of EU-28 IO tables for the GTAP Data Base, and enabled the development of a new conversion method for the whole EU that guaranteed full consistency of EU data supplied to GTAP with the new European statistical standards.
  • Nelson Villoria - For outstanding contributions to the development of Geospatial Open Source Hosting of Agriculture, Resource and Environmental Data (GEOSHARE) as well as his leadership in GTAP Short Courses and contributions to the broader field of international trade and climate change analysis.
2017-2020 Research Fellows
  • Badri Narayanan - For outstanding contributions to the development and constant update of the GTAP database and software, extending it to PE-GE models, and also more recently to its application in understanding of the effect of rules of origin in trade agreements
  • Tamas Revesz - For being a key contributor to the update of the 28 Member States of the EU I-O tables for the GTAP Data Base
  • Farzad Taheripour - For his work in the fields of biofuels, water, and land use for and using the GTAP Data Base
  • Niven Winchester - For his work in initiating and co-editing the Journal of Global Economic Analysis
  • Glyn Wittwer - For being one of the world's leading authorities in CGE analysis of water and water policy, co-editing a volume with Springer on water in CGE models, and being an enthusiastic contributor to the network, including the co-organization of the 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis.

2016-2019 Research Fellows
  • Philip Adams - For outstanding research, policy analysis, and leadership in the field of CGE analysis.
  • Antoine Bouët - For outstanding research, trade policy analysis and leadership in capacity building.
  • Shantong Li - For outstanding leadership and mentoring in CGE-based research and policy analysis in China.
  • Khalid Siddig - For contributions to the GTAP Data Base, the GTAP Network, and to CGE policy analysis in Africa.

2015-2018 Research Fellows
  • Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho - For his path-breaking work on poverty impacts of the WTO which led to important new insights about the role of labor markets in sharing the gains from global trade reforms as well as his work on land use and deforestation in Brazil. Also for his active role as a frequent conference participant and contributor of Brazilian I-O Tables to the GTAP Data Base.
  • Will Martin - For his vibrant and brilliant advocacy of global CGE analysis in the field of agricultural trade and poverty reduction analysis and support of the community through his contributions on the GTAP Advisory Board and his position at the World Bank. Also for his impressive academic and policy reform records constantly pushing forward the needs of a global database and promoting innovation.
  • George Philippidis - For applying the GTAP Model and Data Base for two decades and publishing in the highest quality journals. Also for being an active member of the GTAP community since its foundation, attending conferences and short courses as well as contributing to the improvement of MAGNET, jointly contributing the EU’s domestic support and new domestic support data for GTAP 9 and making significant policy-oriented analysis for the European Commission.
  • Maureen Rimmer - For being instrumental in developing two of the most prominent country-level CGE models in the world--MONASH and USAGE, both of which contain innumerable innovations including model validation, econometric estimation, macro-economic forecasting, and highly disaggregated and regional analysis. Also for making her mark in combining theoretical rigor and applied economics, notably her work (with Alan Powell) on the AIDADS consumer demand system.
  • Anna Strutt - For being an extremely highly valued instructor of both the standard GTAP Short Course and the Dynamic GTAP Short Course as well as being a frequent attendee, presenter and active reviewer and chair at the annual GTAP conference. Also for having used the GTAP Model for a long list of applications, largely in the areas of trade and economic relations in the Pacific.

2014-2017 Research Fellows
  • S. Amer Ahmed - For his many and important contributions to GTAP and CGE analysis. A former GTAP graduate student, Amer currently works at the World Bank and has continued to conduct research and publish on the impacts of climate on agriculture, poverty, and growth, as well as on food security issues using GTAP/CGE. He has continued to work on international labor migration issues, was part of the team that developed the GMig2 Data Base and recently collaborated on the construction of GTAP's Non-CO2 Emissions Data Base. Amer is a regular and highly regarded GTAP Short Course instructor and continues to participate regularly at the GTAP Conferences.
  • Peter Dixon - For outstanding and innovative theoretical contributions to GTAP and the broader field of CGE analysis.
  • Hans Lofgren - Hans Lofgren is a Senior Economist at the World Bank. Prior to joining the Bank in 2004, he was a Senior Research Fellow at IFPRI. Hans has been an expert CGE modeler throughout his career and is best known for two models that have become de facto standards for single country CGE models. While at IFPRI, Hans worked closely with Sherman Robinson to develop the IFPRI standard CGE model that was intended to ease the burden for developing CGE models (Lofgren et al 2002). The IFPRI standard model was designed with sufficient flexibility to incorporate a wide variety of country-based SAMs and various closure rules. It has proven to be a robust framework that is still in wide use for single country applications. After moving to the Bank, he vastly extended the capacity of the IFPRI standard model. In summary, Hans has helped set the standard for single country CGE modeling that has no competitors, and has elevated the relevance of CGE-style modeling in new areas.
  • Terrie Walmsley - During her time as the Director of the GTAP Center, Terrie contributed to the progress of GTAP in terms of data base but also in terms of model developments. Terrie's contributions to the MyGTAP model allows CGE researchers to use GTAP-based models to analyze food security issues in Africa and other regions of the world. This version provides an important step to remove the regional household and allowing for more detailed analysis of government and multiple households. In working both with the GTAP Model and the GLOBE model, Terrie also contributes to bridge the gap between GEMPACK and GAMS based model coding.
  • Wusheng Yu - For his outstanding research using the GTAP Model and Data Base. Wusheng's research interests are in the areas of international trade policy, agricultural policy, and computable general equilibrium models. His GTAP-related work has appeared in major agricultural economics and trade policy journals, such as American Journal Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, World Economy, World Trade Review, Economic Modeling, and China Economic Review. He has also received considerable scholastic citations for the following GTAP-related work: structural changes on the world food market and demand system comparisons in projecting global food demand reforms of China's trade and agricultural policy before and after its WTO accession trade and economic integration in South Asia tariff preferences and the LDCs and the EU's common agricultural policy.

2013-2016 Research Fellows
  • David Laborde - For sustained, unique and outstanding contributions to the quality of GTAP Data Base, particularly in terms of the state-of-the-art tariff dataset, TASTE tool and export subsidies.
  • Carlos Ludena - For outstanding leadership in the development and extension of GTAP-compatible data bases in Latin America and the Caribbean and his efforts to process the household surveys in these regions to develop a poverty module accompanying these regions in the GTAP Data Base.
  • Janine Pelikan - For publications using the GTAP Data Base and/or Model on tariff aggregation methods and impacts of the WTO agreement in refereed agricultural economics journals in addition to work on the coupling of GTAP and CAPRI, TASTE and contributions to the GTAP 8.1 Data Base.
  • Karen Thierfelder - For contributions to CGE analyses and GTAP, she has used and developed a variety of single (STAGE and IFPRI) and global models (USDA-ERS and GLOBE) and is co-author on a number of publications, including GTAP Technical Paper No. 22.
  • Niven Winchester - For outstanding research using the GTAP Data Base through publishing numerous GTAP-related articles as well as research on the impact of the EU ETS on aviation outcomes which has been used by the EU Commissioner for Climate Action in policy discussions and was circulated at the US Department of the Treasury to help shape a U.S. response to said policy. Other institutions, namely, the ADB, OECD, Tsinghua University, Brookings Institution and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade have also used his research for policy discussions.

2012-2015 Research Fellows
  • Arjan Lejour - In recognition of his various contributions to GTAP, including contribution of bilateral services trade data in versions 7 and 8, contributions of baseline data, including the Kets and Lejour estimates of productivities and his population and labour force projections and his work on the Worldscan model, FDI and examining the impact of EU policy.
  • Mondher Mimouni - For his contributions of the MacMAP tariff data jointly with CEPII.
  • Peter Minor - For outstanding contributions to GTAP through time to trade estimates with David Hummels to the GTAP 7 supplementary data, serving as an instructor at the GTAP Short Courses, assisting in holding smaller courses for special groups to help expand/keep network members engaged, being essential in bringing Nathan Associates onto the GTAP Consortium, and his work on the Africa project in the development of a program for splitting households, endowments and adding inter and intra regional transfers; as well as updating IO tables.

2011-2014 Research Fellows
  • Houssein Guimbard - For being an important member of the CEPII-ITC team that has been developing the MacMAPHS6 dataset to contribute the tariff data for versions 7 and 8 of GTAP Data Base. He has also prepared a multi-sector multi-country FDI data for GTAP Data Base.
  • Xavier Pichot - For his sustained contributions to the protection dataset for the GTAP Data Base.
  • Nico van Leeuwen - In recognition of his various contributions to the GTAP Data Base including his work on bilateral services trade data and review of recent work on the labor skill splits and taxes.
  • Zhi Wang - In recognition of his recent work on Multi-region IO data, and for his assistance with reconciling re-export trade data, and the Chinese and Hong Kong IO tables.

2010-2013 Research Fellows
  • Kym Anderson - For his leadership in research related to the measurement of agricultural protection and the barriers to trade, as well as their consequences for economic activity.
  • Peter Dixon - For outstanding and innovative theoretical contributions to GTAP and the broader field of CGE analysis.
  • Elena Ianchovichina - For outstanding theoretical contributions to GTAP and to dissemination and training activities of the GTAP Model and the GTAP Data Base.
  • Marc Mueller - For outstanding development and contribution of new I-O tables for the European Union, carried out during his stay at the Joint Research Centre IPTS, Seville.
  • Fan Zhai - For outstanding and innovative theoretical contributions to GTAP in particular new modeling approaches on firm heterogeneity and gains from trade.

2009-2012 Research Fellows
  • Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho - For his outstanding contributions to applied general equilibrium analysis of policy issues affecting Brazil.
  • Angelo Gurgel - For his contributions in extending the GTAP data and modeling system through leading an effort to investigate tax data in GTAP and to develop a more consistent treatment of taxes across countries using other data sources.
  • David Laborde - For outstanding contributions to the analysis of the Doha Development Agenda using the MAcMap data base and for instrumental contribution to GTAP border protection dataset, and innovative CGE modeling works.
  • Rod Tyers - For his contributions to the modeling of demographic changes using the Dynamic GTAP Model, and for his previous contributions to the labor data in the GTAP Data Base.
  • Ernesto Valenzuela - For his work on the World Bank project "Distortions to Agricultural Incentives", which covered 75 countries from 1955 to 2007.

2008-2011 Research Fellows
  • Betina Dimaranan - In recognition of her long term sustained contributions to the GTAP Data Base
  • Jesper Jensen - For his contributions to GTAP and to CGE modeling and for I-O table contributions
  • Sergey Paltsev - For his innovative methods for conduction research on the economics of climate change using the GTAP data and contributing to improve the quality of the energy data.
  • Steven Rose - For being instrumental in extending the GTAP data on non-CO2 greenhouse gases and for developing the supplemental GTAP land data.
  • Agapi Somwaru - For serving as a software facilitator and for expanding the use of the GTAP Data Base for multiple applications in the ERS.

2007-2010 Research Fellows
  • Mustafa Acar - In recognition of his contributions to GTAP as instructor in the GTAP preparatory web courses and as contributor of several updates of the I-O table for Turkey.
  • Mary Burfisher - In recognition of her sustained contributions in advancing economy-wide analysis of agricultural trade policies and in GTAP capacity-building efforts especially in India.
  • Xinshen Diao - In recognition of her innovative research using the GTAP Data Base and her contributions to the broader field of policy analysis using economy-wide models.
  • Lionel Fontagne - In recognition of his outstanding contributions to border protection measurement and innovative research in the broader field of international economics.
  • Marijke Kuiper - In recognition of her innovative economics research using the GTAP Data Base and her methodological contributions to addressing trade data issues.
  • Carlos Ludena - In recognition of his contribution of domestic data bases for several Latin American countries and for helping to broaden the GTAP Network in Latin America.
  • Allan Rae - In recognition of his sustained contributions in advancing economy-wide analysis of agricultural and trade policies through innovative GTAP research applications.
  • Richard Tol - In recognition of his innovative applications of the GTAP Data Base in the field of environmental economics.
  • Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - In recognition of his sustained contributions to the GTAP Data Base and in advancing economy-wide analysis of developing country policies.
  • Nico van Leeuwen - In recognition of his various contributions to the GTAP Data Base including his work on labor skill splits, the Netherlands I-O table, and bilateral services trade data.
  • Zhi Wang - In recognition of his innovative research using the GTAP Data Base and for methodological contributions in reconciling re-export trade data.

2006-2009 Research Fellows
  • Kym Anderson - In recognition of his long-standing support of GTAP and his seminal contributions in the application of CGE analysis to the fields of trade, agriculture and poverty.
  • Peter Dixon - For outstanding and innovative theoretical contributions to GTAP and the broader field of CGE analysis.
  • Elena Ianchovichina - For her work on the GDyn book, assisting GTAP graduate students, and for teaching on the Dynamic GTAP courses.
  • Hans Grinsted Jensen - For his work on the domestic support data for the EU and for numerous GTAP- related applications analyzing the impact of the common agricultural policy and the multilateral liberalization in Europe.
  • Navin Ramankutty - For his work in the development of the the physical data behind the new GTAP-AEZ data base which disaggregates land around the world into agro-ecological zones.

2005-2008 Research Fellows
  • Antoine Bouët - For pioneering work on border protection measurement, and for active contributions to assessing the economy-wide impact of protection.
  • David Laborde - For outstanding contributions to the analysis of the Doha Development Agenda using the MAcMap data base and for instrumental contribution to GTAP border protection dataset, and innovative CGE modeling works.
  • Brent Sohngen - For his excellent data contributions in the construction of the GTAP land use Data Base
  • Rod Tyers - For his recent contributions to the modeling of demographic changes using the Dynamic GTAP Model, and for his previous contributions to the labor data in the GTAP Data Base.
  • Hans van Meijl - For his role in the development and teaching of global general equilibrium analysis.
  • Alan Winters - In recognition of his long-standing support of GTAP and his seminal contributions in the application of computational general equilibrium analysis to the fields of international migration and the poverty impacts of trade policy.

2004-2007 Research Fellows
  • Rajesh Chadha - For sustained contributions to the GTAP Data Base and leadership in the South Asia region
  • Roy Darwin - For innovative research utilizing the concept of agro-ecological zones to characterize climate change and environmental issues within the GTAP framework
  • Aziz Elbehri - For contributions to the GTAP Data Base - particularly the characterization of export subsidies - as well as associated policy applications
  • Mark Gehlhar - For the development of GTAP trade data set, and the development of backcasting methodology.
  • Paul Gibson - For sustained contributions to the improved characterization of agricultural protection in the GTAP Data Base
  • Glenn Harrison - In recognition of outstanding economic research using the GTAP Data Base as well as contributions to broadening of the network of GTAP users.)
  • Hsin Huang - For important contributions to the further development of the agricultural support Data Base
  • Kazuhiko Oyamada - For valuable contributions to the GTAP Data Base for East Asia, as part of the Institute for Developing Economies
  • Ken Pearson - For the development of GTAP software, and for teaching GTAP short courses.
  • Everett Peterson - For contributing to significant extensions of the GTAP Data Base, including the disaggregation of agricultural activity and the incorporation of domestic trade, transport and marketing margins
  • Sherman Robinson - For pioneering research in CGE analysis, as well as sustained contributions to the GTAP Network and Data Base.
  • Marinos Tsigas - For the development of GTAP Model and Data Base, and support of many GTAP Applications.

2003-2006 Research Fellows
  • Mary Burfisher - For her role in advancing economy-wide analysis of agricultural trade policies.
  • Mark Horridge - In recognition of his development of innovative new software and tools for implementation and analysis of GTAP data and simulations.
  • Shih Hsun Hsu - For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of public policies in Taiwan.
  • Will Masters - In recognition of his successful efforts to extend the use of GTAP in Africa through research applications and training.
  • Allan Rae - For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of agricultural and trade policies.
  • Thomas Rutherford - In recognition of his development of GAMS-based software and modeling capabilities suitable for GTAP users.
  • David Tarr - For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of trade policies in developing countries
  • Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of developing country policies.

2002-2005 Research Fellows
  • Jean-Marc Burniaux - For his role in advancing the quality of GTAP-based analysis of global climate change policy.
  • Elena Ianchovichina - For her role in the development and application of models for use by the GTAP community.
  • Hans Grinsted Jensen - For his role in the improvement of the GTAP Data Base for EU agriculture.)

2001-2004 Research Fellows
  • Kevin Hanslow - For his contributions to the development and use of the GTAP Model.
  • Rod Tyers - Development of GTAP labor data and analysis.
  • Hans van Meijl - For his role in the development and teaching of global general equilibrium analysis.

2000-2003 Research Fellows
  • Mark Gehlhar - For the development of GTAP trade data set, and the development of backcasting methodology.
  • Glenn Harrison - In recognition of outstanding economic research using the GTAP Data Base as well as contributions to broadening of the network of GTAP users.
  • Will Martin - For fostering GTAP projections work, and the development of the UR protection Data Base.
  • Ken Pearson - For the development of GTAP software, and for teaching GTAP short courses.
  • Marinos Tsigas - For the development of GTAP Model and Data Base, and support of many GTAP Applications.
  • Zhi Wang - In recognition of his contributions, both to the GTAP Data Base and to its use in contemporary policy applications.

1999-2002 Research Fellows
  • Mark Horridge - In recognition of his development of innovative new software and tools for implementation and analysis of GTAP data and simulations.
  • Will Masters - In recognition of his successful efforts to extend the use of GTAP in Africa through research applications and training.
  • Thomas Rutherford - In recognition of his development of GAMS-based software and modeling capabilities suitable for GTAP users.

1997-2000 Research Fellows
  • Martina Brockmeier - Development of GTAP in Europe: construction of the EU-12 Data Base, organization and instruction of the European course and conference.
  • Rod Tyers - Development of GTAP labor data and analysis.

1996-1999 Research Fellows
  • Christian Friis Bach - For the development of GTAP macroeconomic data and projections, and the mplementation of quotas in GTAP.
  • Joseph Francois - For the development of the GTAP protection data, and research on macro closure of GTAP.
  • Mark Gehlhar - For the development of GTAP trade data set, and the development of backcasting methodology.
  • Will Martin - For fostering GTAP projections work, and the development of the UR protection Data Base.
  • Ken Pearson - For the development of GTAP software, and for teaching GTAP short courses.
  • Alan Powell - For fostering the development of GTAP.
  • Marinos Tsigas - For the development of GTAP Model and Data Base, and support of many GTAP Applications.
  • Randall Wigle - Distribution of Version 2 Data Base; Development of the GTAP website.