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Member Details
Aziz Elbehri

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 5/7/2014
Visits: 9,920
Dr. Aziz Elbehri
Senior Economist

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale Delle Terme di Caracalla
Rome 00153
+390657056002 (ph)
+390657054495 (fx)

Aziz Elbehri is a senior economist at the Trade and Markets Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome. He leads work on trade and development issues, focusing on farm support policies, climate-smart agriculture, sustainability of biofuels, and policies to support smallholder market integration. Recently, Aziz research has concentrated on climate change and trade linkages, and on enabling policies to integrate climate adaptation and sustainability into food systems in developing countries.

Since joining FAO, Aziz has had an extensive experience leading development projects in developing countries including: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali, Morocco and Senegal.

Prior to joining FAO in 2008, Aziz served as an economist with the USDA Economic Research Service since 1999 working on agricultural trade policy and modeling, biotechnology and biofuels. He has written numerous articles on agricultural trade policy, policy modeling, and economics of biotechnology. Prior to USDA, Aziz was a research associate at Penn State University (3 years) and consulted for the World Bank on WTO policy issues. Aziz is educated in Morocco (Master’s degree in agronomy), University of Minnesota (Masters in applied economics and agronomy) and Purdue University (PhD in international trade).

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