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Will Martin

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 4/15/2016
Visits: 10,478
Dr. Will Martin
Senior Research Fellow

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
2033 K St, NW
Washington DC, DC 20006-1002
United States
+12028625628 (ph)

Will Martin is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). He was a member of the GTAP Advisory Board from its inception in 1994 until 2014. In 1997, Will was awarded the Alan A. Powell Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to GTAP. .

His areas of expertise include agriculture, textiles and apparel, and nonagricultural trade policy, with a special focus on East Asia. In a series of recent studies, he has examined the implications of the growth of China and India for other regions, and particularly for other developing countries.

He has written written numerous articles and edited four books on the WTO and developing countries. His work has been widely cited in major news media, including the Economist and the Financial Times.

His book with Kym Anderson on the Doha Agenda received a Quality of Communication Award from the American Agricultural Economics Association. He has frequently been invited to give plenary lectures at major international meetings, including the recent triennial meetings of the International Association of Agricultural Economists and the European Association of Agricultural Economists.

Will Martin received an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Queensland (1997 Hons), as well as a Bachelor in Economics from the Australian National University (1979, Hons). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Iowa State University (1982).

Some of his recent publications include:

Headey, D. and Martin, W. (forthcoming) ‘Food Prices, Poverty and Food Security’ Annual Review of Resource Economics

Gouel, C., Gautam, M. and Martin, W. (forthcoming) ‘Managing Food Price Volatility in a Large Open Country: The Case of Wheat in India’ Oxford Economic Papers

Larson, D., Martin, W., Sahin, S. and Tsigas, M. (forthcoming), ‘Agricultural Policies and Trade Paths in Turkey’ World Economy, DOI: 10.1111/twec.12294

Fukase, E. and Martin, W. (2016), ‘Who Will Feed China in the 21st Century? Income Growth and Food Demand and Supply in China’ Journal of Agricultural Economics 67(1):3–23. Open access doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12117.

Laborde, D. and Martin, W. (2015), ‘Formulas for failure? Were the Doha tariff formulas too ambitious for success? World Trade Review 14(1): 46-65.

Ivanic, M. and Martin, W. (2014), ‘Implications of Domestic Price Insulation for Global Food Price Volatility’ Journal of International Money and Finance 42:272-88.

Ivanic, M. and Martin, W.(2014) ‘Poverty Impacts of the Volume-Based Special Safeguard Mechanism’ Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 58(4):607-21.

Martin, W. and Messerlin, P. (2007). ‘Why is it so difficult? Trade liberalization under the Doha Agenda’ Oxford Review of Economic Policy 23(3):347-66.

Anderson, K., Martin, W. and Valenzuela, E. (2006) ‘The Relative Importance of Global Agricultural Subsidies and Market Access’ World Trade Review 5: 1-23, Nov.

Anderson, K. and Martin, W. eds (2006) Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, Palgrave Macmillan and the World Bank, New York and Washington DC.

Anderson, K., Martin, W. and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2006) ‘Distortions to World Trade: Impacts on Agricultural Markets and Incomes’, Review of Agricultural Economics 28(2):168-194

Francois, J. and Martin, W. (2004), ‘Commercial policy, bindings and market access’ European Economic Review 48:665-79, June.

Fukase, E. and Martin, W. (2000), "The effects of the United States granting MFN status to Vietnam", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv.

• Martin, W. and Mitra, D. (2000), "Productivity growth and convergence in agriculture and manufacturing", Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Bach, C. and Martin, W. (2000), "Would the right tariff aggregator please stand up?", Journal of Policy Modeling.

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