- A Global Foreign Direct Investment Stocks Database by Bekkers, Eddy, Csilla Lakatos, Yu Roger So, Wen Jin Yuan and Fabio Traverso Publication: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2021 Conference Paper Keywords: Foreign direct investment, The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Foreign Affiliate Sales Data by Bekkers, Eddy, Erwin Corong, Csilla Lakatos, Indre Macskasi, Jeanne Metivier, Wen Jin Yuan and Steen Wettstein Publication: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2021 Conference Paper Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation, Foreign direct investment, The GTAP Data Base and extensions, ... - Traders’ Dilemma: Developing Countries’ Response to Trade Disputes by Devarajan, Shanta, Delfin S Go, Csilla Lakatos, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder Publication: Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Warsaw, Poland Resource Type: 2019 Conference Paper Keywords: Multilateral trade negotiations, Preferential trading arrangements, North America - The Incidence of Tariffs by Lakatos, Csilla, David Laborde and Will Martin Publication: Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Warsaw, Poland Resource Type: 2019 Conference Paper Keywords: Economic analysis of poverty - The cost of protectionism: Are consumers willing to pay it? by Kutlina-Dimitrova, Zornitsa and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, IN, USA Resource Type: 2017 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Multilateral trade negotiations - China’s Slowdown and Rebalancing: Potential Growth and Poverty Impacts on Sub-Saharan Africa by Lakatos, Csilla, Maryla Maliszewska, Israel Osorio Rodarte and Delfin S Go Publication: Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA Resource Type: 2016 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Economic growth, Africa (Southern) - The Lifting of Economic Sanctions on Iran: Global Effects and Strategic Responses by Ianchovichina, Elena, Shanta Devarajan and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA Resource Type: 2016 Conference Paper Keywords: Multilateral trade negotiations, Non-Tariff barriers, Preferential trading arrangements, Trade in se... - Determinants of direct cross-border public procurement in EU Member States by Kutlina-Dimitrova, Zornitsa and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Presented at the 17th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Dakar, Senegal Resource Type: 2014 Conference Paper Keywords: Domestic policy analysis, Other data bases and data issues, European Union - US-EU trade linkages: the role of global value chains and intra-firm trade by Lakatos, Csilla and Tani Fukui Publication: Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai, China Resource Type: 2013 Conference Paper Keywords: Foreign direct investment, The GTAP Data Base and extensions, European Union, North America - A Global Database of Foreign Affiliate Sales by Fukui, Tani and Csilla Lakatos Publication: GTAP Research Memorandum No. 24 Resource Type: Research Memorandum Keywords: Foreign direct investment, Other data bases and data issues, The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Liberalization of FDI in Retail Services: A Fast Death Instrument for India? by Lakatos, Csilla and Tani Fukui Publication: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland Resource Type: 2012 Conference Paper - A Global Database of Foreign Affiliate Sales by Fukui, Tani and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland Resource Type: 2012 Conference Paper Keywords: Foreign direct investment - Dispute Settlement at the WTO: Impacts of a No Deal in the US-Brazil Cotton Dispute by Lakatos, Csilla and Terrie Walmsley Publication: Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Venice, Italy Resource Type: 2011 Conference Paper Keywords: Trade in services, Domestic policy analysis, North America, South America - Knowledge Capital, Product Differentiation and Market Structure: a Comparative Static CGE Analysis by Lakatos, Csilla Publication: Presented at the 13th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Penang, Malaysia Resource Type: 2010 Conference Paper Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation - A Global Multi-sector Multi-region Foreign Direct Investment Database for GTAP by Lakatos, Csilla and Terrie Walmsley Publication: GTAP Research Memorandum No. 18 Resource Type: Research Memorandum Keywords: Foreign direct investment, The GTAP Data Base and extensions - GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 7 I-O Table: Europe by Lakatos, Csilla, Scott McDonald and Marc Mueller Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation Keywords: European Union - Does Foreign Investment Shape Trade Policies? A CGE Assessment of the Doha Stalemate by Laborde, David and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Santiago, Chile Resource Type: 2009 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Foreign direct investment, Dynamic modeling - Modeling cross-border investment in CGE: some alternatives and mechanisms by Lakatos, Csilla and Terrie Walmsley Publication: Presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Santiago, Chile Resource Type: 2009 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, The GTAP Data Base and extensions - GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 7: Regional Input-Output Data by Walmsley, Terrie and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions - GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 7 I-O Table: Romania by Laborde, David and Csilla Lakatos Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions, Europe (Eastern) - Treatments applied to the Romanian Input/Output table: a methodological note by Lakatos, Csilla and David Laborde Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions, Europe (Southern) - EU Green Light to a New Wave of Enlargement: Implications in a CGE context by Lakatos, Csilla, George Baourakis and Anastasios Xepapadeas Publication: Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA Resource Type: 2007 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Agricultural policies, The GTAP Data Base and extensions, Europe ...