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Member Details
Erwin Corong

Created: 9/6/2003
Updated: 4/19/2024
Visits: 9,282
Dr. Erwin Corong
Principal Research Economist and Associate Director

Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
KRAN #682
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
United States
+1 765 494-4305 (ph)
+1 765 494-9176 (fx)

Erwin is principal research economist and associate director at the Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. He manages the construction programs for a number of GTAP databases including standard GTAP, MRIO (Multi-Region Input Output), labor, domestic margins, and contributes to the construction of the land use and land cover data. Since joining GTAP in 2015, Erwin refreshed the standard GTAP model code and converted other GTAP suite of (GTAP-E, Power, AEZ, GMig) models to the current version 7 structure. During the last five years, he developed the GTAP-MRIO, GTAP-DM (Domestic Margins), GTAP-DS (Domestic Support) and the GTAP-RD (recursive dynamic) suite of economic models. He also co-developed models such as GTAP-HS (Harmonized System), standard GTAP-RD and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Global Trade Model. Erwin is currently working on the GTAP Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) for climate policy analyses. His research focuses on agricultural domestic support, international trade, non-tariff measures, domestic trade and transport margins, dynamic baselines and validation, economy-energy-environment interaction, poverty, inequality, and linking GTAP-RD with the InVEST model to analyze sustainable development issues.

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