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GTAP Resource #7133

"Chapter 15: Income and Factor Taxes"
by Corong, Erwin and Wajiha Saeed

From its first release, the GTAP Data Base has had the implicit capability to record income and factor employment tax payments. Factor employment taxes denotes such taxes as payroll tax, social security levies, and land taxes. Although no arrays have represented these data explicitly, they are implicit as the difference between different valuations of primary factor flows. Income tax, by factor (endowment) type and region is the difference between the the value paid by firms at purchasers’ prices, EVFP, and the tax-exclusive value received by factor suppliers or owners of factors, EVOS. On the other hand, factor employment tax, by factor, industry and region is the difference
between the basic value paid by firms to employ factors, EVFB, and the purchasers’ value, EVFP. In early releases however this capability was unused; the relevant valuations were equated, so that the implicit tax payments were zero. In GTAP 5, the capability was used, but in a limited way, to represent land-based and capital-based components of domestic support to agriculture (Dimaranan 2002). These are represented as income subsidies, though still leaves unrepresented income taxes
and factor employment taxes. Since GTAP Data Base 6, we incorporated comprehensive data for income and factor employment taxes. Our principal data source is the International Monetary Fund’s Government Finance Statistics (IMF GFS).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 11 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2024
Created: McIntire, H. (2/1/2024)
Updated: McIntire, H. (2/1/2024)
Visits: 663
- GTAP Data Base and extensions

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