- Assessing sectoral impacts of agrifood emission targets under alternative SSPs with improved substantiation of food demand and globalization patterns by Clora, Francesco, Wusheng Yu, Laerke Jensbye, Clara G. Bouyssou and Jørgen Dejgård Jensen Publication: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA... Resource Type: 2024 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Trade and the environment, Baseline development, Calibration and parameter es... - Carbon border adjustment, agricultural abatement technology adoptions in exporting countries, and technology spillovers by Jensbye, Laerke, Francesco Clora and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA... Resource Type: 2024 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Trade and the environment, Technological change, Dynamic modeling, Model exte... - Carbon-taxation of food consumption: A global perspective by Bouyssou, Clara G., Marco Springmann, Francesco Clora, Jørgen Dejgård Jensen and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA... Resource Type: 2024 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Food prices and food security, Health, Model integration and coupling, Not A... - The European Green Deal: understanding the relevance of domestic climate policy details, CBAM’s embedded emissions and exporters’ carbon price rebates by Clora, Francesco, Erwin Corong and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA... Resource Type: 2024 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Trade and the environment, Model extension/development, European Union - Potential impact of import shift from soybean to meat on Chinas food security by Wang, Rongbo, Wusheng Yu, Cao Lijuan and Jing Zhu Publication: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA... Resource Type: 2024 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Food prices and food security, Non-Tariff barriers, Asia (East) - Exploring potential impacts of carbon border adjustment mechanisms and climate clubs in agriculture by Jensbye, Laerke, Francesco Clora and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France) Resource Type: 2023 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Model extension/development, Climate change policy, Trade and the environment, Eur... - A flexible Approach to Modeling Carbon Pricing and Carbon Border Adjustment in the GTAP-E model by Clora, Francesco, Erwin Corong and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France) Resource Type: 2023 Conference Paper Keywords: Advances in quantitative methods, Model extension/development, Climate change policy, Trade and the ... - Modelling the potential to abate greenhouse gases from agriculture using detailed abatement technologies in a CGE model by Jensbye, Laerke, Francesco Clora and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France) Resource Type: 2023 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Model extension/development, Climate change policy, Technological change - Projecting demand elasticities for disaggregated animal food products under alternative Shared Socioeconomic Pathways by Bouyssou, Clara G., Francesco Clora, Jørgen D. Jensen and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France) Resource Type: 2023 Conference Paper Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation, GTAP Data Base and extensions, Other data bases and data issue... - Nationally determined contributions and scenarios of agricultural emission reductions at country level by Jensbye, Laerke, Francesco Clora and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 25th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2022 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Climate change policy, Agricultural policies, European Union - International maritime shipping decarbonization under alternative technological scenarios: effects on agrifood markets by Clora, Francesco and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 25th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2022 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Transportation - GHG emission, trade balance, and carbon leakage: insights from modeling thirty-one European decarbonization pathways towards 2050 by Clora, Francesco and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2021 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Trade and the environment, European Union - Alternative border-carbon-adjustment mechanisms in the European Union and responses: aggregate and within-coalition results by Clora, Francesco, Wusheng Yu and Erwin Corong Publication: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2021 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Trade and the environment, European Union - Supply-side responses to the transition to sustainable diets and implications of trade policy regimes: the case of the EU by Clora, Francesco and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2020 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Agricultural policies, European Union - Formulating and implementing EU decarbonization pathways in a CGE model using detailed engineering data derived from a bottom-up model: the case of the transport sector. by Clora, Francesco and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Warsaw, Poland Resource Type: 2019 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Climate impacts, Trade and the environment, European Union - Modelling domestic and international impacts of China’s grain policy reform scenarios since 2014: a comparison of two modelling approaches by Yu, Wusheng and Shingo Kimura Publication: Presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Cartagena, Colombia Resource Type: 2018 Conference Paper Keywords: Model validation and sensitivity analysis, Agricultural policies, Domestic policy analysis, Asia (Ea... - Will China's new maize policy be able to solve its messy maize problem? by Yu, Wusheng and Lijuan Cao Publication: Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, IN, USA Resource Type: 2017 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Domestic policy analysis, Asia (East) - China’s cotton policy and its domestic and world market implications by Yu, Wusheng and Hans Grinsted Jensen Publication: Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA Resource Type: 2016 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Multilateral trade negotiations, Trade in textiles and wearing apparel, Afric... - Dietary transition, nutritional and health outcomes, and changing agrifood production and trade patterns: the case of China by Yu, Wusheng, Hans Grinsted Jensen and Lijuan Cao Publication: Presented at the 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne, Australia Resource Type: 2015 Conference Paper Keywords: Economic development, Health, Food prices and food security, Other data bases and data issues, Asia ... - India’s food security policy in the era of high food prices: a general equilibrium analysis by Yu, Wusheng, Hans Grinsted Jensen and Jayatilleke Bandara Publication: Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai, China Resource Type: 2013 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Domestic policy analysis, Food prices and food security, Asia (South-Central) - Modelling the re-allocation of the European Union’s single farm payment entitlements and the re-introduction of set-aside by Jensen, Hans Grinsted and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland Resource Type: 2012 Conference Paper Keywords: Domestic policy analysis, European Union - Some methodological and practical issues of using CGE models to evaluate free trade agreements: the roles of initial trade patterns, baseline projection, and Armington elasticities by Yu, Wusheng and Hans Grinsted Jensen Publication: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland Resource Type: 2012 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Asia (South-Central), European Union - Trade policy responses to food price rises and implications for existing domestic support measures: the case of China in 2008 by Yu, Wusheng and Hans Grinsted Jensen Resource Type: 2011 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Asia (East) - Sri Lanka's Free Trade Agreements with its South Asian Neighbours: Economic Versus Strategic/Political Considerations by Bandara, Jayatilleke and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Santiago, Chile Resource Type: 2009 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Asia (South-Central) - Modeling Agricultural Domestic Support Policy in China: recent policy reversals and two hypothetical future scenarios by Yu, Wusheng and Hans Grinsted Jensen Publication: Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 61, No. 2, 2010, 343–368; presented at the 11th Annual Confer... Resource Type: 2008 Conference Paper Keywords: Domestic policy analysis, Agricultural policies, Asia (East) - Immigration, imperfect competition and welfare for the host country by Yu, Wusheng Publication: Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA Resource Type: 2007 Conference Paper Keywords: Labor market issues, Asia (East) - GTAP 6 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 10: Data Viewing Software by Bacou, Melanie, Thomas Hertel, Wusheng Yu and Betina Dimaranan Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 6 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Schemes for aggregating preferential tariffs, trade volume effects and African LDCs by Yu, Wusheng Publication: Food Economics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp56 — 71, 2009. Presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Global Eco... Resource Type: 2006 Conference Paper - Reforming Agricultural Domestic Support of the EU in the Doha Round:
Measurement, Feasibility, and Consequences
by Jensen, Hans Grinsted and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany. Published in th... Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2005 Conference Paper - Budget Deficits, Public Sector Wages, and Tax Reforms in Hong Kong: Theory and CGE Modelling
by Chao, Chi-Chur, E.S.H. Yu and Wusheng Yu Publication: China Economic Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2009, pp54-64. Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Glob... Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2005 Conference Paper - China's WTO commitments in agriculture and impact of potential OECD agricultural trade liberalizations by Yu, Wusheng and Soren Frandsen Publication: Asian Economic Journal, vol. 19, no.1, 2005, pp 1-28 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Agricultural policies - Trade Preferences, WTO Negotiations and the LDCs:
the case of the "Everything But Arms" Initiative
by Yu, Wusheng and Trine Jensen Publication: Presented at the 6th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, The Hague, The Netherlands Resource Type: 2003 Conference Paper - Projecting World Food Demand Using Alternative Demand Systems
by Yu, Wusheng, Thomas Hertel, Paul Preckel and James Eales Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 21 Resource Type: Working Paper - Projecting World Food Demand using Alternative Demand Systems by Yu, Wusheng, Thomas Hertel, Paul Preckel and James Eales Publication: Economic Modelling, 21(1): 99-129. Resource Type: GTAP Application - The Debate Over The Gains From Preferential Trade Liberalization in the CGE Models - Further Investigation by Bandara, Jayatilleke and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation - China's WTO commitments in agriculture: does the impact
depend on OECD agricultural policies? by Yu, Wusheng and Soren Frandsen Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies - Delineation of the International Rice Market: Implications for Trade Liberalization by Nielsen, Chantal Pohl and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies - GTAP 5 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 10: Data Viewing Software by Bacou, Melanie, Thomas Hertel, Wusheng Yu and Betina Dimaranan Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 5 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Sugar Policy of the European Union: Effects of Policy Reform by Frandsen, Soren, Hans Grinsted Jensen and Wusheng Yu Publication: Presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA. A revise... Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2001 Conference Paper - How desirable is the South Asian Free Trade Area? A Quantitative Assessment by Bandara, Jayatilleke and Wusheng Yu Publication: World Economy, vol. 26, pp 1293-1323, 2003; Presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Global Economi... Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2001 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements - GTAP 4 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 20 by McDougall, Robert, Wusheng Yu and Gerard Malcolm Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 4 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions - GTAP 4 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 13 by Acar, Mustafa, Emiko Fukase, Will Martin, Robert McDougall, Marinos Tsigas and Wusheng Yu Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 4 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions - GTAP 4 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 10 by Bacou, Melanie, Thomas Hertel and Wusheng Yu Publication: Center for Global Trade Analysis Resource Type: GTAP 4 Data Base Documentation Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Understanding the Determinants of structural Change in World Food Markets by Coyle, William, Mark Gehlhar, Thomas Hertel, Zhi Wang and Wusheng Yu Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 02 Resource Type: Working Paper