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Member Details
Paul Preckel

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 9/13/2006
Visits: 8,767
Dr. Paul Preckel

Purdue University
1145 Krannert Building
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1145
United States
765-494-4240 (ph)
765-494-9176 (fx)

Professor Preckel researches and teaches in the areas of decision analysis and mathematical modeling. He has had extensive experience in developing applications and methods over a wide range of subject matter areas. His current areas of interest are focused on assessment of the effects of policy across an economy's income spectrum, supply chain management, and applications and methods for optimization and numerical integration.

His recent publications include “Outbound Supply Chain Network Design with Mode Selection, Lead Times and Capacitated Vehicle Distribution Centers,” European Journal of Operational Research (2005); “Market Power and Welfare Effects in DC Power Flow Electricity Models with Thermal Line Losses,” Decision Support Systems (2005); “Efficient Survey Sampling of Households via Gaussian Quadrature,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: (Series C, Applied Statistics) (2006); “Economic Replacement of a Heterogeneous Herd,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2006); “Value Chain Risk and Reward Sharing and Governance Structures: Implications for Industry Strategy and Structure,” Journal on Chain and Network Science (2006); “Maintaining Parameter Invariance in Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Estimation,” Applied Economics Letters (2006); “Diffusion and Spillover of New Technology: A Heterogeneous-agent Model for Cassava in West Africa,” Agricultural Economics (2006); “Evaluation of Different Mixed Model Nonlinear Functions on Pigs Fed Low-Nutrient Excretion Diets,” Professional Animal Scientist (2006); and “Gaussian Cubature: A Practitioner’s Guide,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2006).

He is currently co-editor of American Journal of Agricultural Economics. He has served as a consultant to Electric Power Research Institute, Control Analysis Corporation, Hudson Institute, University of Delaware, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the World Bank.

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