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GTAP Resource #6164

"The GTAP 10A Multi-Region Input Output (MRIO) Data Base"
by Carrico, Caitlyn, Erwin Corong and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe

This memorandum describes the GTAP version 10A Multi-Region Input Output (GTAPMRIO) Data Base. GTAP-MRIO extends the standard GTAP Data Base (Aguiar et al., 2019) by additionally distinguishing bilateral trade and tariff flows by agents or so-called end-users,namely: firms, private household, government and investors. In constructing GTAP-MRIO,we employ the methodology in Carrico (2017) and update it in four ways. First, an updated concordance table is used—i.e., the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) 6-digit Harmonized System 2012 to Broad Economic Categories concordances revision 4 to System of National Accounts end-use framework (HStoBECtoSNA). Second, the International Trade Centre (ITC) Market Access Map (MAcMap) data is directly used in lieu of the TASTE utility (Horridge
and Laborde, 2008) which is also based on MAcMap. Third, the optimization programs are updated to take advantage of grid facility in GAMS, thereby reducing MRIO data build time by 90 percent and easing MRIO data construction at the full dimensionality of GTAP data—i.e., 65-sectors and 141-regions for version 10A. Fourth, accompanying GTAPAgg2 (Horridge, 2019) and FlexAgg packages (Villoria and McDougall, 2012) are provided to aid researchers aggregate the GTAP-MRIO data.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Research Memorandum
Status: Published
By/In: GTAP Research Memorandum No. 34
Date: 2020
Created: McIntire, H. (6/5/2020)
Updated: McIntire, H. (6/5/2020)
Visits: 8,495
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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