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Kym Anderson

Created: 4/25/2001
Updated: 1/13/2013
Visits: 11,314
Dr. Kym Anderson
George Gollin Professor of Economics

University of Adelaide
North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5005
+61 8 8313 4712 (ph)
+61 8 8223 1460 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Kym Anderson

Kym Anderson is the George Gollin Professor of Economics, foundation Executive Director of the Wine Economics Research Centre, and formerly foundation Executive Director of the Centre for International Economic Studies at the University of Adelaide in Australia, where he has been affiliated since 1984. Previously he was a Research Fellow at the Australian National University's Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (1977-83), following doctoral studies at the University of Chicago and Stanford University (1974-77); and in 2012 he rejoined ANU part-time as a Professor of Economics in its Crawford School of Public Policy. He was on extended leave at the Economic Research division of the GATT (now WTO) Secretariat in Geneva during 1990-92 and at the World Bank’s Development Research Group in Washington DC as Lead Economist (Trade Policy) during 2004-07. He is a Fellow of the AAEA, AARES, AAWE, ASSA and CEPR. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Washington DC-based International Food Policy Research Institute, and of the Commission of Australia’s Centre for International Agricultural Research. He has published more than 300 articles and 30 books, including The Political Economy of Agricultural Protection (with Yujiro Hayami), Disarray in World Food Markets (with Rod Tyers), Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda (with Will Martin), The World’s Wine Markets: Globalization at Work and, during 2008-10, a set of 4 regional and 3 global books on Distortions to Agricultural Incentives. His publications have received a number of AAEA and AARES awards, including the AAEA’s 2010 Bruce Gardner Memorial Prize for Applied Policy Analysis.

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