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GTAP Resource #6331

"Modeling the Impacts of CGIAR Research on Agricultural Prices, Incomes and Poverty"
by Laborde, David, Abdullah Mamun, Will Martin, Valeria Pineiro and Rob Vos

Modeling the Impacts of CGIAR Research on Agricultural Prices, Incomes and Poverty
The purpose of this study is to assess the adoption and impact of crop improvement technologies developed by the CGIAR and its partners. The study will provide the most comprehensive assessment to date on the economic impact of the CGIAR, and its impact on poverty in developing countries.
The study will build on assessments of the contributions of research by the CGIAR and its precursors to crop productivity undertaken by Keith Fuglie and Ruben Echeverria. This work amasses the available evidence on the extent of adoption of technologies developed by the CGIAR and through CGIAR-NARS (national agricultural research systems) collaboration and the impact of this adoption on crop yield. This evidence provides a picture of the diffusion over time of improved varieties and crop management technologies for the 20 crops and for each country where the CGIAR has worked.
This study will employ IFPRI’s unique macroeconomic and household modeling capacity to assess the welfare and poverty consequences of the CGIAR-induced productivity shock on crop yields. The results obtained from (1) will be used to estimate economy-wide welfare gains using IFPRI's MIRAGRODEP general equilibrium model. MIRAGRODEP will generate estimates of the direct and indirect impacts across countries on agricultural prices, farm incomes, wages and land use. By linking these global welfare outcomes to IFPRI's POVANA global household database and models, the study will generate estimates of the contribution of CGIAR crop R&D to global poverty reduction over the past 50 years.
Based on the estimated economic welfare changes by income strata and household type generated by POVANA and estimates from the literature on relationships between income, poverty and health, the study will derive indicators likely impacts on key indicators of malnutrition, in particular child stunting.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2021 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2021
Version: 1
Created: Martin, W. (4/15/2021)
Updated: Martin, W. (4/15/2021)
Visits: 1,092
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Economic development
- Economic growth
- Agricultural policies

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