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Member Details
S. Amer Ahmed

Created: 4/4/2004
Updated: 11/19/2013
Visits: 10,273
Dr. S. Amer Ahmed

The World Bank
MSN MC2-204, The World Bank,
1818 H Street NW,
Washington, District of Columbia 20433
United States
202-473-6454 (ph)
0 (fx)

Amer Ahmed is with the Development Prospects Group at the World Bank, where he is involved in dynamic simulation analyses. At the World Bank, he has worked on the impacts of climate on agriculture, poverty, and growth, as well as on food security issues. Amer received his MS and PhD in Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, specializing in international trade. During that time he also worked as a graduate research assistant with the Center for Global Trade Analysis and undertook a variety of assignments, including contributing to the development of the GMig2 Bilateral Migration Database, assisting Rob McDougall with services trade data processing, and assisting with the instruction of the annual short courses. He also researched global and regional migration liberalization using the GMig2 migration model, and the labor market effects of outsourcing using custom-built CGE models and panel data econometrics.

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