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Member Details
Tamas Revesz

Created: 11/3/2012
Updated: 6/20/2017
Visits: 3,871
Mr. Tamas Revesz

Corvinus University of Budapest
Fovam ter 8.
Budapest 1093
003614825541 (ph)

I devoted all my professional carrier to developing and applying multisectoral models for the impact assessments of macroeconomic policies, in particular policies related to climate change, sustainable development, green fiscal reform, energy market and taxation, foreign trade, income distribution and consumption patterns.
The mentioned models included Input-Output models, CGE models (e.g. the GEM-E3 model), Social Account Matrix (SAM) multiplier models and various econometric models. For most of those many models I have built I also compiled their database, wrote their computer programs (mostly in GAMS, but also in SAS), ran scenarios and interpreted the modelling output and formulated policy advice. Databases which I compiled and frequently complemented with my sophisticated estimates (made by RAS- and other entropy-methods) included the input-output tables, its backgound tables (like the indirect tax matrices, consumption and investment matrices), SAMs and industry and institutional accounts, energy balances and emission matrices. I also used the GTAP database extensively and even participated in its updating to 2011. I could accomplish these tasks both working moreless independently and by participating in research project teams, where I was also involved in the preparation of technical specifications, the validation and evaluation of research results and the drafting of scientific publications and policy reports.

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