GTAP Data Bases: GTAP 6 Data Base
What is the GTAP Data Base?The GTAP Data Base is the global data base representing the world economy for a given reference year - 2001 for the GTAP 6 Data Base. The GTAP Data Base comprises several types of files and data including a sets file, parameters file, the main data file, energy volume data and time series trade data. All the files are header array files (a a GEMPACK binary format) (Harrison and Pearson, 1998). Full documentation of the GTAP Data Base is available.
The sets file enumerates the 87 regions and 57 commodities in the GTAP 6 Data Base, as well as the other sets used in the GTAP Model (e.g., the 5 endowments/factors (land, skilled labor, unskilled labor, natural resources and capital).
The parameters file contains invariant behavioral parameters used in the GTAP Model (including elasticities of substitution between domestic and imported goods and elasticities of substitution between sources of imports.
The main data file represents the world economy as a system of flows of goods and services, measured as money values, in millions of 2001 U.S. dollars.
These flows include both input-output flows (see chapter 11 of data base documentation) within each region, bilateral international trade flows (see chapter 15) and protection data (see chapter 16). Additional data is also provided on capital stocks, population and saving. Since most flows are measured at both tax-free and tax-paid prices, it also implicitly covers indirect taxation. On the other hand, it does not include price or quantity data, and does not include time series data.
The energy volume data file contains data on energy purchases by firms and by households and bilateral trade of energy products.
Time series trade data (for merchandise trade) is also available through the GTAP Data Base.
The GTAP Data Base is most commonly used with the GTAP Model and RunGTAP software. First, the user will aggregate the data (regions, commodities and endowments) using the GTAPAgg (or FlexAgg) program provided with the data base to the desired level and then use with the GTAP or GTAPinGams model/s to analyze the impact of global policies (trade, environmental, migration policies are commonly examined). Alternatively a user may be interested in extracting country SAMs or I-O tables from the GTAP Data Base, if you are interested in doing this we refer you to GTAP Technical Paper No. 22 or the Crusoe suite.
What's New in Version 6?
- Updated data base corresponds to the global economy in 2001
- Additional regional disaggregation (87 regions and 57 sectors), including:
- Disaggregation of the Central and Eastern European countries
- Disaggregation of the Russian Federation
- Disaggregation of Madagascar
- Disaggregation of Tunisia
- Improved domestic data bases for Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Netherlands, and Turkey
- Improved treatment of government consumption
- Improved treatment of income taxes
- Improved coverage of domestic support for OECD and some non-OECD economies
- Improved tariff coverage for agriculture and manufactures using preferential rates data
- IEA-based energy use data
- Improved trade and demand elasticity estimates
What is in the GTAP 6 Data Base?
The Full GTAP 6 Data Base includes 3 CD-Roms consisting of the GTAP 6 FlexAgg Package, the GTAP 6 GTAPAgg Package, and RunGTAP 3.40. The GTAP 6 Data Base FlexAgg Package includes a command-line aggregation program called FlexAgg and the following files which comprise the GTAP 6 Data Base: gsddat.har (global data file), gsdset.har (global sets file), gsdpar.har (global parameters file), gsdvole.har (global energy volumes file), and tstrade0.har and tstrade1.har (global bilateral time-series trade data for 1965-2002). Please refer to the file readme.txt for detailed instructions on how to create an aggregation of the GTAP 6 Data Base.
The GTAP 6 Data Base GTAPAgg Package is a graphical user interface aggregation package developed for GTAP by Mark Horridge of the Centre of Policy Studies. GTAPAgg is constrained to aggregate only up to a 10-region by 10-sector dimension data base. You will have to put the license file, gtapagg.lic, in your GTAPAgg directory after installation to relax the 10 x10 aggregation constraint. Please note that the main data file in the GTAPAgg package, basedata.hrx, is encrypted. It can be used only with GTAPAgg since decryption is performed together with the aggregation.
RunGTAP is a graphical user environment also developed by Mark Horridge of the Centre of Policy Studies, for use in interactively solving the GTAP Model. Version 3.40 works with the GTAP 5 Data Base format and with version 6.2 (dated September 2003) of the GTAP Model.
GTAP summary matrices in Excel are also available for download.
Installation Requirements
A Pentium PC with a hard disk, at least 256 Mb of RAM, Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7.
Free Additional Data
Additional data is also available on the GTAP website for public use and for GTAP Data Base subscribers.
Year | Regions | Sectors | Documentation | Availability |
2001 | 87 | 57 | Available online | Download GTAPAgg 6 |
Last Modified: 5/25/2016 10:27:59 AM