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GTAP Resource #1112

"Past and Future Sources of Productivity Growth in Fibre Drum Manufacturing"
by Rutherford, Thomas

Manufacturing productivity has been a significant source of economic
growth for the United States over the past 50 years. It remains to
be seen whether this will continue into the next fifty years and
beyond. This paper provides a case study of the sources of changes
in productivity for a specific product over the past fifty years. We
formulate a mixed integer programming model of the manufacture of
fibre drum shipping containers. We use the model to evaluate
manufacturing costs and productivity resulting from new equipment,
methods, and management systems. We estimate that between 1950 and
2000 there has been a 70\% reduction in winding and slitting machine
hours and a 182\% increase in the output of drum bodies per manhour
at the Grief Brothers' plant in Van Wert, Ohio. We estimate that
aggregate production costs have declined by 20\% during this time.
We find that the most important efficiency improvement has resulted
from the introduction of an off-line slitter which removes a
bottleneck in the winding process.

We use our model to evaluate improvements in the production process
which could result from the a particular application of information
technologies. We find that optimized scheduling of winding and
slitting operations might provide a 13\% increase in machine
efficiency and an additional cost savings on the order of 3\% through
the efficient joint processing of orders to minimize scrap loss and
increase machine throughput. While this efficiency gain is
substantially less than what has been observed historically, we feel
that it provides some encouraging evidence for further improvements
in productivity.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2002 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan
Date: 2002
Created: Rutherford, T. (6/3/2002)
Updated: Bacou, M. (6/3/2002)
Visits: 2,030
- Technological change

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