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GTAP Resources: Frequently Asked Question Details

Subject: FAQ

Question: Some of the auxillary programs in some of the RunGTAP applications do not work. For example, the GEelast or PEelast programs do not work for the GTAP-E application?


When a model is significantly changed, some of the auxillary programs may not have been updated by the developer to reflect the changes. You will know an auxillary program does not work when the error message received when running an application states that there is a failure in the decomp, GEelast or PEelast modules. For this reason these auxillary programs are often disabled. To disable an auxillary program use: Version..Modules and set the version-specific Run=No for GeElas). Indeed many users choose GLOBAL Run=No for GeElas since GeElas can take some time to run.


Date Added: 5/29/2007