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GTAP Resource #634

"Model Simulations for OECD Environmental Outlook: Methods and Results"
by Braathen, Nils-Axel

This paper provides a description of the JOBS/PoleStar model system used in the preparation of OECD’s Environmental Outlook, presents some main points of the Reference Scenario used, and elaborates on the estimated impacts of some simulated policy shocks.
The general equilibrium model “JOBS” was used to “drive” the “PoleStar” system of Stockholm Environment Institute in Boston, USA, where a number of environmental impacts were simulated. This paper focuses on the links made between the two models concerning energy use and emissions of CO2 and SO2, and concerning activity levels in several sectors and emissions of nitrogen to water and related biochemical oxygen demand.
The paper also describes estimated impacts of a number of policy shocks -- undertaken across the OECD area -- meant to limit environmental problems believed to be of particular importance. While the macroeconomic impacts of the shocks are found to be quite limited, the shocks are in general estimated to have considerable environmental benefits.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2001 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA
Date: 2001
Created: (5/28/2001)
Updated: Bacou, M. (7/10/2001)
Visits: 2,409
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