24 participants from 13
different countries completed the 6th Annual Short Course in Global Trade Analysis.
- Adkins, Liwayway
Organisation for International Co-operation and Development (OECD), France
- Bascou, Pierre
European Commission (EC), Belgium
- Brandao, Antônio Salazar P.
UERJ, Brazil
- Ela Ela, Amos
- Gan, Jianbang
Texas A&M University, United States
- Ishikawa, Sumio
Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Japan
- Jonker, Theo
Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), The Netherlands
- Kolison, Stephen
Tuskegee University, United States
- Kuwahara, Hiroaki
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Switzerland
- Lindahl, Barbro
The Swedish University of Ag Sciences , Sweden
- Ling, Bith-Hong
National Chungchi University, Chinese Taipei
- Lips, Markus
PwC, PricewaterhouseCoopers Switzerland, Switzerland
- Maliko, Sylvain
, Cameroon
- O'Connor, Deirdre
University College of Dublin, Department of Agribusiness, Ireland
- Ono, Minoru
ESRI, Japan
- Polidano, Cain
, Australia
- Rambout, Machiel
, The Netherlands
- Shimasawa, Manabu
, Japan
- Staehr, Michael Henning
DIAFE, Denmark
- Stone, Susan
University South Australia, Australia
- Teltscher, Susan
UNCTAD, Switzerland
- van Nieuwkoop, Renger
Center for Energy Policy and Economics, Switzerland
- Watts, Greg
Office of Economic and Statistical Research, Queensland Treasury, Australia
- Yamaguchi, Shinichi
, Japan