GTAP Events: 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis: Plenary Speakers
Trends in global inequality and poverty: What does trade have to do with it?
Stephan Klasen is a professor of development economics and empirical
economic research at the University of G"tingen, where he also heads the
Ibero-American Institute. Previously he was professor of economics at the
University of Munich as well as a fellow at King's College in Cambridge and
an economist at the World Bank in South Africa. His research interests are in
population, labor, welfare, and development economics. He holds a BA, MA, and
Ph.D. from Harvard University. His current research interests include an
assessment of the relation between labor market events and demographic
decisions at the household level, an analysis of the determinants of under
nutrition and child mortality in developing countries, the linkages between
inequality, growth, and well-being, and the causes and consequences of gender
inequality in developing countries.
The Changing Pattern of Global Wealth Ownership
Anthony Shorrocks is the Director of UNU-WIDER, having previously held
positions at the London School of Economics and the University of Essex. He
has published widely on topics related to income and wealth distribution,
inequality and poverty. Professor Shorrocks' research has focused on methods
for measuring and analyzing inequality, poverty, income mobility and living
standards. He has published three books and numerous papers on these topics
in international economic journals, including Econometrica, Review of
Economic Studies, Economic Journal and Economica. More recently, he has been
working on the social problems facing Russia in the post-reform era.
Agriculture between food and fuel production - implications of current and future biofuel support
Martin von Lampe is an Agricultural Economist at the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). After his education in
agricultural economics in Berlin and Bonn, Martin von Lampe received his
doctorate degree at Bonn University in 1999. He was Assistant Professor of
Agricultural Policy at Bonn University until 2001. One of his main research
areas was the development of model-based policy information systems for
agricultural markets. Since 2001 Martin has been working as a Policy Analyst
at the Agro-Food Market and Trade Division of the OECD's Trade and
Agriculture Directorate. In the context of the OECD's Agricultural Outlook
activity, he is responsible for monitoring, projecting and analyzing
international markets for cereals. After having worked on export competition
issues related to food aid, Martin is now in charge of the analytical work on
bioenergy and agriculture in the Organisation's Trade and Agriculture
Directorate with a particular focus on analyzing alternative bioenergy
support regimes and their implications on environment, energy and
agricultural markets. In this context, he has organized the international
OECD Workshop on Bioenergy Policy Analysis in Sweden in January 2007. Martin
has published a number of studies and articles on the broad range of his
research issues, and in particular is the author of an OECD study on
Agricultural Market Impacts of Future Growth in the Production of Biofuels,
published in 2006, as well as of several other articles on biofuels. He is a
regular speaker at international conferences around the world.
Transitions toward a decarbonized energy future
Nebojsa Nakicenovic is the leader of the Energy and Transitions to New
Technologies Programs, Co-Leader of the Greenhouse Gas Initiative at the
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Professor of
Energy Economics at the Vienna University of Technology, and Director of the
Global Energy Assessment (GEA). He is also an Associate Editor of the
International Journal on Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Editor
of International Journal on Energy, and Climate Policy, Member of Editorial
Board of the International Journal of Energy Sector Management, a
Coordinating Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change,
and Coordinating Lead Author of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
Professor Nakicenovic holds bachelors and masters degrees in economics and
computer science from Princeton University, New Jersey, USA and the
University of Vienna, where he also completed his Ph.D. He also holds Honoris
Causa Ph.D. degree in engineering from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among
Professor Nakicenovic's research interests are the long-term patterns of
technological change, economic development and response to climate change
and, in particular, the evolution of energy, mobility, information, and
communication technologies. Currently, his research focuses on the diffusion
of new technologies and their interactions with the society and the
environment. He is author and coauthor of many scientific papers and books on
the dynamics of technological and social change, economic restructuring and
development, mitigation of anthropogenic impacts on the environment and on
response strategies to global change.
Transition Economies
Transition economies: challenges of globalization and European integration
Marek Dabrowski is the Chairman of the CASE Supervisory Council,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the CASE Ukraine in Kiev and a member of
the Board of Trustees of the Institute for the Economy in Transition. His
expertise is with monetary and fiscal policy, currency crises, EU and EMU
enlargement, political economy of transition.
Trade Policy Issues in the Transition Economies
David Tarr is a Consultant in the Development Research Group of the
World Bank. While at the World Bank Dr. Tarr has provided trade policy advice
to governments in about twenty countries, focusing especially on economies in
transition, countries in the Middle East and North Africa and more recently
the Southern Cone of Latin America. He has authored over fifty refereed
professional journal articles, including solely authored articles in
Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Quarterly Journal of Economics, the
Journal of International Economics, Economic Inquiry, the Southern Economic
Journal and the Journal of Comparative Economics; his jointly authored
articles include those in Economic Journal, International Economic Review,
Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Journal of
Development Economics, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Review of Development
Economics, and the Journal of Economic Integration. He has edited or written
numerous books and monographs. His present research interests include the
link between trade and foreign direct investment policy changes and poverty;
quantifying the importance of endogenous productivity improvements from trade
and foreign direct investment liberalization; trade and WTO accession issues
in transition economies; and regional trade integration. He received a Ph.D.
in economics from Brown University in 1970, taught economics at Ohio State
University and worked as a Senior Economist at the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission. He joined the World Bank in 1988.