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Member Details
Saloni Shah

Created: 3/8/2022
Updated: 12/30/2022
Visits: 325
Ms. Saloni Shah
Principal Consultant/Economist

Triple Line Consulting UK
Tintagel House
92 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7TY
United States
13462343861 (ph)

Curriculum Vitae - Saloni Shah

Saloni is an Economic Development Consultant with over 11 years’ experience in Asia and Eastern Africa in areas of value chain and market systems development, cross border trade and logistics, industrial infrastructure, and workforce development She has worked extensively with TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) to design its trade and logistics cluster programs – focused on export value chain development, business environment and infrastructure for private sector. Additionally, she has worked with Govt. of Rwanda, Govt. of India, FCDO in Myanmar, Trade & Development Bank to conduct feasibility studies and business plans for infrastructure projects contributing to private sector development; these include – industrial parks, SEZs, cross border markets, wholesale markets, and agro-logistics hubs. In these projects she has led teams to (a) conduct assessment of value chains offering maximum impact (jobs, exports, value addition), (b) do market sounding among investors be it informal businesses, co-operatives, SMEs, local and foreign companies to assess demand from these private players as users / tenants / investors of the infrastructure and their willingness to co-invest and pay, (c) prepared business plans comprising of commercial viability and cost-benefit assessment of the proposed infrastructure.
In workforce development sector, she has worked with National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC), Govt. of India to design a skill-education-experience matrix to quantify demand for and supply of labour in manufacturing industries. Currently, she is advising ILO and Ethiopian Investment Commission to implement the Investment Directive (April 2021) that seeks to track investors employing foreign workers and encourage domestication of labour and is evaluating MasterCard Foundation’s 70M$+ portfolio aimed at creating 1M jobs in manufacturing sector in Ethiopia.
Saloni is proficient in economic modelling (calculating economic rate of returns and doing cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure projects), macroeconomic forecasting (time series analysis), financial modelling, designing and conducting surveys, project appraisal, and application of input-output tables (IOTs) in assessing regional and global value chains. She holds a BSc (Hons.) Economics from London School of Economics and an MSc. Finance (Economic Policy) from School of Oriental & African Studies. She has strong academic background in econometrics, quantitative finance, international trade and development economics. She is proficient in using STATA and EViews for econometric modelling, SPSS for data analytics, and TOSMANA for conducting Qualitative Comparative Analysis.
Through GTAP, Saloni seeks to interact with economists/professionals in areas of global economy/international trade/welfare economics to learn more about application of IOTs in development countries.

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