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GTAP Resource #1336

"Economic Effects of Singapore's Bilateral Free Trade Agreement with Japan on Other ASEAN Economies: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach"
by Ni, Houming

Singapore, as one member of ASEAN, while active in this ASEAN integrating process, is also implementing its strategy of additive regionalism - negotiating bilateral free trade agreements with all of its significant trading partners. How do Singapore's Bilateral Free Trade agreements (SBFTA) with the non-ASEAN countries affect other ASEAN economies. Further, if other ASEAN countries emulate Singapore's experience and sign bilateral free trade agreements with non-ASEAN countries, what are the effects of these bilateral free trade agreements on ASEAN economies? This study focuses on SBFTA with Japan and explores answers to these questions using a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model - GTAP model. The simulation results show that other five ASEAN economies are nevertheless adversely though insignificantly affected by JSEPA. Before a proposed Japan-ASEAN FTA comes into force finally, more newly-signed bilateral FTAs by Japan and individual ASEAN economies will have a much stronger impacts on ASEAN's non-participants of new FTAs than JSEPA has. For the benefit of the whole ASEAN economy, a FTA signed by Japan and ASEAN as a whole party is preferable and recommended.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Not published
By/In: July
Date: 2003
Created: Ni, H. (7/22/2003)
Updated: Bacou, M. (7/24/2003)
Visits: 1,641
- Asia (East)

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