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GTAP Resource #1367

"GTAP Model Version 6.2"
by Hertel, Thomas and Robert McDougall

This release fixes two bugs found in the previous `' release 6.1 of September 2001:

* An error in the welfare decomposition affects "EV_ALT" and "CNTdpar" when the preference shift variables are non-zero.

* An error in the terms-of-trade decomposition slightly affects "c1_ir", "c1_r", "c2_ir", and "c2_r".

It also incorporates some minor enhancements:

* more AnalyseGE-friendly versions of some formulae and equations, including the "INCOME" formula and the tax revenue and trade index equations;

* variable "CNTalleffir" extended in range from "TRAD_COMM" to "DEMD_COMM";

* new and clearer longnames for decomp output.

Accompanying the TABLO source and executables for the model are:

* a TABLO sti file `gtap.sti',

* a command file `init.cmf' defining a typical model closure,

* a compatible version of the welfare decomposition report program `',

* release notes `release_notes.pdf'.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Model file (.TAB)
Status: Not published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2003
Version: 6.2
Created: McDougall, R. (10/3/2003)
Updated: McDougall, R. (11/24/2003)
Visits: 21,343
- Software and modeling tools

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