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GTAP Resource #1738

"Presenting GTAP results using a map"
by Horridge, Mark

To show how to produce a map with regions shaded according to a vector of regional results from a GTAP simulation.
The presentation will demonstrate (a) how to produce a map of the world containing the regions distinguished by a particular GTAP simulation; (b) how to shade or color the regions according to a vector of regional simulations; and (c) how to paste the shaded map into a Word document or PowerPoint slideshow. The paper includes detailed instructions for completing these and other tasks.
Data and Anticipated Findings
[Not relevant here]
Maps are a natural way to present results from regional economic models, and are particularly useful for slideshow presentations. Unfortunately, commercial mapping (aka GIS) programs are expensive and complicated. By comparison, the ShadeMap program has limited capabilities, but is free and simple to use. To assist GTAP users, the ShadeMap package includes region boundary files (ie, maps) for versions 5, 5.4, 6pr2 and 6pr4 of the GTAP database. We show a simple way to aggregate or simplify one of these supplied map files to produce a map that contains the same regions as a particular GTAP simulation. The aggregation scheme (AGG) file used to prepare the simulation database can also be used to aggregate the map.
After opening the aggregated map within ShadeMap, regional results can be pasted in from a spreadsheet. Regions can be colored or shaded (B&W) according to these results. We explore a number of presentation options. The resulting image may be pasted into Word or PowerPoint, or saved as a file for further editing by a graphics package.
The paper (but not the presentation) also covers some more complex topics, such as: adjusting color schemes; ensuring the same coloring system is used for a series of maps; and producing maps which distinguish countries not yet separately distinguished in today's GTAP databases.
ShadeMap is an interactive Windows program, but can also be completely controlled from the command line. This means that script files or other programs (eg, BAT files or GAMS programs) can use ShadeMap to automatically generate multiple maps.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
2005 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany
Date: 2005
Created: Horridge, M. (5/1/2005)
Updated: Batta, G. (6/21/2005)
Visits: 2,728
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