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GTAP Resource #2014

"Modelling Gender Dimensions of the Impact Of Economic Reforms in Pakistan"
by Siddiqui, Rizwana

Developing countries are increasingly concerned about gender dimensions of the impacts of economic reforms initiated under structural adjustment and stabilization programmes. In this regard, this article develops a gender aware computable general equilibrium model for Pakistan based on the notion that both production and consumption sides are important for gender impact analysis. A SAM is developed with productive and reproductive activities with 9 types of households identified by four education level of the head of the household in the urban area, by five employment status in the rural area, twenty production activities with eight types of labour and sector specific capital. It adjusts wage share of own account workers and incorporate hidden paid and unpaid work of women. The SAM reveals that on average women spend 4/5th of her time in work, whereas men spend 3/5th in work. It develops gender aware CGE by incorporating household and market economy and intra household allocation of resources.
The study assesses the impact of two types of shocks: trade liberalisation and fiscal adjustment on macro aggregates in general and on monetary, time, and capability poverty by gender in particular. Results support the contention that economic reforms increase real wage income of women more than men. But relative time poverty among women increases in both exercises. While capability poverty increase in poor households and reduce in rich. This implies that economic reforms are pro rich. Then intra household allocation of resources is introduced. The results disclose the truth that impact on consumption varies by gender and has strong association with capabilities development. In both exercises, in poor/rich households, female absorb more adverse/favourable impact than males. For that reason, it may be concluded that prosperity helps to reduce gender gap in capability development. The study also concludes that despite significant changes in market employment, gender division of labour remains unequal within the household economy. Finally, education is found to be a single most important policy variable, which can be focussed on to reduce all form of poverty.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2006 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Created: Siddiqui, R. (4/29/2006)
Updated: Siddiqui, R. (5/1/2006)
Visits: 2,836
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