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GTAP Resource #2025

"Modelling food security measures in soudanosahelian zoof Cameroun: Comparison of partial and general equilibrium models Aglink and GTAP"
by Darman Djoulde, Roger

An approach based on a global model, the model of the trade world Project of analysis (Global Trade Analysis Project, GTAP), which complete the model of partial equilibrium were used with the aims of modelling projections of food security measures in soudanosahelian zone of Cameroon, an area often prone to food shortages and food crises. Preliminaries observations indicate that the models of partial equilibrium (Aglink) and general balance (GTAP) used in this study give each others, different interpretation of the problems and distinct groups of food security measures parameters. Among these measurements, many present common characteristics to both types of models. Major differences observed seem to reflect more, divergence amongst priorities fixed at the time of the development of the models. A part of agricultural products, the model of global trade analysis project (GTAP) also made possible to extend the analysis of commercial liberalization to agroalimentary industry, non agricultural products and services, interactions between these sectors via the markets of intermediate products.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2006 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Date: 2006
Created: Darman Djoulde, R. (4/30/2006)
Updated: Darman Djoulde, R. (4/30/2006)
Visits: 2,988
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