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GTAP Resource #2115

"A consistent picture of the protection across the world in 2004: MacMapHS6 v2"
by Laborde, David, Houssein Guimbard and Maria Cristina Mitaritonna

MAcMap-HS6 is a database providing with a consistent, ad valorem equivalent measure of tariff duties and tariff rate quotas for 163 countries and 208 partners, at the six-digit level of the Harmonized System.

The first release of the database, based on 2001 figures, MacMapHS6v1, has provided protection data for GTAP6. Using 2004 data, an update version, MacMaphs6v2, has been built. It will be used in the next version of the GTAP database. This paper describes the MacMap methodology and gives illustrative figures. Last, it explains of the origins of change between 2001 and 2004 data.

The methodology used for the construction of MacMapHS6v2 is very close to the one used for the previous version. Two improvements have been made. On the technical side, the algorithm for dealing aberrant hs6 code in raw data was updated. On a more fundamental aspect, unit values used for the Ad Valorem conversion of specific tariffs, are now computed using two principles: the official definition, following WTO notification and standards, that allows to compute “official” AVE of MFN tariffs, and the exporter’s reference group approach, that allows for taking into account exporter specificities without being flawed by noise in bilateral raw unit values. In MacMapHS6v2, the exporter’s reference groups are defined for each category of products.

In order to illustrate the new dataset, average levels of protection, as well as tariffs variances, are given in the GTAP nomenclature. A typology of countries is then built on both indicators for agricultural and non agricultural products. Moreover, since tariffs dispersion has two dimensions: by partner, due to preferences, and by products, we look at both aspects.

Ultimately, we propose a decomposition of the differences between MacMaphs6v1 and MacmapHS6v2 figures. Two kinds of elements are emphasized:
- Updated trade data that have two impacts: new unit valuesand so, new AVE for an unchanged specific tariff; and new weights for computing aggregated figures.
- Implementation of the last Uruguay round commitments (especially for developing countries) and new preferential trade agreements.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2006 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Date: 2006
Created: Mitaritonna, M. (5/3/2006)
Updated: Mitaritonna, M. (5/3/2006)
Visits: 4,029
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