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GTAP Resource #2138

"The GTAP Data Base: Sources, Construction, and Distribution"
by Dimaranan, Betina

A publicly available, fully documented data base is the centerpiece of the Global Trade Analysis Project. Since its inception in 1993, the GTAP data base, along with other components of the project, have steadily grown and evolved in response to and with the support of the Project’s constituents – GTAP consortium members and general users. The regional classification has expanded from the initial 15 regions in the first GTAP Data base to 87 regions in the GTAP 6 Data Base. The 57-sector classification is a result of increased sectoral disaggregation especially of the agriculture and service sectors. The quality, processing, and scope of the data inputs such as the domestic data bases, bilateral trade data, protection data, and energy data have continued to improve from one version to the next. Over the last decade, the GTAP Data Base has enabled a significant increase in quantitative economic analysis using the GTAP model and other general equilibrium models.

As the regional classification expands and new features are added to the data base, the size and complexity of the data base construction task also increases. Methods and standards have been adapted in order to facilitate complete automation of the construction process, ease in replication previous builds, and flexibility in adding new inputs and regions. These methods and standards were introduced in the construction of the GTAP 5
Data Base and continue to be improved on in constructing the GTAP 6 Data Base.

The GTAP 6 Data Base represents the global economy in the year 2001. A total of 16 new regions have been added to the data base since GTAP 5. These regions include the CEECs, Russia, Albania, Tunisia, and Madagascar. In addition, updated input-output table for 15 regions were incorporated in the data base. Aside from the use of international datasets for the year 2001 (macroeconomic data, bilateral trade protection, and energy), the GTAP 6 also features improve treatment of government consumption and factor taxes. Coverage of domestic support and of import tariffs, using preferential rates data, has also been improved. Estimates of trade and demand elasticities that are used as parameters in the GTAP model have also been updated.

The paper aims to provide a concise exposition of the procedures and standards employed in the sourcing, construction, and distribution of the GTAP data base, particularly the GTAP 6 Data Base. The paper is intended to include a quick summary documentation of the GTAP 6 Data Base. It will include brief discussions of what are the new features included in GTAP 6, the procurement of domestic and international datasets, data base construction practices, and data distribution policies. The paper will also include remarks on the likely future directions of the GTAP Data Base.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2005 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany
Date: 2005
Created: Dimaranan, B. (6/28/2006)
Updated: Dimaranan, B. (9/28/2006)
Visits: 2,089
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