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GTAP Resource #2408

"Effects of Bilateral Trade on Migration Flows: the case of the United States"
by Aguiar, Angel, Terrie Walmsley and Jason Abrevaya

The factor price equalization theorem has inspired many theoretical and empirical papers on the relationship between trade and factor mobility.

This paper uses a gravity equation to empirically test the effect of bilateral trade on a subset of international permanent legal migration from 175 countries into the United States. Cross-section and panel estimations are provided as exploratory tools.

The results show that bilateral trade flows do not significantly explain migration flows, while the traditional determinants do.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2007 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA
Date: 2007
Version: DRAFT
Created: Aguiar, A. (4/15/2007)
Updated: Aguiar, A. (5/26/2007)
Visits: 3,814
- Labor market issues
- North America

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