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GTAP Resource #2430

"WTO Negotiations on the Non-agricultural Market Access (NAMA): Implications for the Bangladesh Economy "
by Raihan, Selim, Mohammad Razzaque and Rabeya Khatoon

This paper has explored three different NAMA scenarios with a view to estimate the preference erosion of Bangladesh’s RMG exports in the EU market and the possible gains in the USA and other markets. Using the GTAP general equilibrium method this paper has also estimated the welfare impacts of different NAMA scenarios. It appears from the simulation results that a full implementation of NAMA will lead to large preference erosion of Bangladesh RMG exports in the EU and Canadian markets, where Bangladesh in currently enjoying duty-free-quota-free market access. Though, there is a large gain in the USA market the gain is sufficient enough to offset the losses in the EU and Canadian market, and as a result, both total RMG exports and welfare rise under NAMA1. Under NAMA2 and NAMA3, which are the scenarios based on the modified Swiss-type formula with different coefficients for the developed and developing countries, also lead to a situation where the preference erosion in the EU and Canadian market is offset by the expansion of RMG exports in the US market. Therefore, total RMG exports of Bangladesh increases. Also, aggregate welfare increases, though in smaller margin. The Bangladesh dynamic CGE model has been applied to explore the impacts of different NAMA scenarios on the economy of Bangladesh. All NAMA scenarios generate some positive impact on the economy and leads to some expansion of the RMG sectors. They also increase households’ welfare and reduce poverty.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2007 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA
Date: 2007
Created: Raihan, S. (4/17/2007)
Updated: Raihan, S. (4/17/2007)
Visits: 1,577
- Asia (East)
- Asia (Southeast)
- Asia (South-Central)

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