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GTAP Resource #2458

"GTAP Model Version 6.2a"
by Hertel, Thomas, Robert McDougall and Terrie Walmsley


Release 6.2a is a minor upgrade to the GTAP model source code package, adding a revised version of the `geelas' program for computing general equilibrium price elasticities, and some ancillary files. It originates in a problem report from Kevin Hanslow and Mark Horridge; the `geelas' revisions are by Terrie Walmsley.

The revised version of `geelas' accomodates multiple international margins sectors, a feature of the standard GTAP data base since release 5.

For the benefit of GTAP users without access to GEMPACK, the release includes executable images not only of the GTAP model solution program `gtap' (as have earlier releases from 6.1 on), but also of `decomp' and `geelas'.

Accompanying the TABLO source and executables for the model are:

  • TABLO sti file `gtap.sti',

  • command file `init.cmf' defining a typical model closure,

  • welfare decomposition report program `',

  • `to.cmf' `SAGEM' command file to generate matrices of elasticities with respect to the power \var{to} of the output subsidy,

  • `' `SLTOHT' mapping file to convert the \var{to} elasticity matrices from solution to header array form,

  • `to.har.sti' `SLTOHT' stored input file to convert the \var{to} elasticity matrices from solution to header array form,

  • `geelas.cmf' `geelas' command file to calculate general equilibrium price elasticities,

  • release notes `release_notes.pdf'.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Model file (.TAB)
Status: Not published
Date: 2007
Version: 6.2a
Created: McDougall, R. (5/2/2007)
Updated: Dimaranan, B. (5/3/2007)
Visits: 23,911
- Software and modeling tools

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  File format program files, release notes  (5.5 MB)   Replicated: 0 time(s)

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Comments (1 posted)
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Posted by: Jorge, Edna   8/19/2021 8:00:00 AM
The software is very important because it helps many student using a econometric model to estimate some economic parameters to explain a economic behavior of a specific economy.