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GTAP Resource #2532

"The economic effects of Croatia's accession to the European Union"
by Lejour, Arjan, Andrea Mervar and Gerard Verweij

We explore the economic implications of the possible accession of Croatia to the European Union. We focus on two main changes associated with the EU-membership: accession to the internal European Market and institutional reforms in Croatia triggered by the EU-membership. consumption per capita in Croatia is estimated to rise by about 2.5% as a result of accession to the internal market. In particular the textile and wearing apparel sectors expand. If Croatia succeeds in reforming its domestic institutions in response to the EU-membership, income levels in Croatia could increase even more. In particular, tentative estimates suggest that GDP per capita in Croatia could even rise by additional 8%. Overall, the macroeconomic implications for the existing EU countries are negligible.

Key words: Regional economic integration; General equilibrium model; Gravity equations; Institutional reform; Croatia

JEL code: F13, F15

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: Eastern European Economics 47(6), p 67-87
Date: 2009
Created: Lejour, A. (12/14/2007)
Updated: Lejour, A. (1/14/2010)
Visits: 1,840
- Preferential trading arrangements
- Europe (Eastern)

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