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GTAP Resource #3380

"Frequency and Duration Analysis of the Special Safeguard Mechanism"
by Countryman, Amanda M. and Thomas Hertel

Frequency and Duration Analysis of the SSM
Historical, bilateral wheat trade data are employed to understand how developing and developed country wheat exporters could be affected by the Special Safeguard Mechanism. This analysis identifies how often the price and quantity based SSMs could have been triggered, and estimates the duration of SSM invocation in developing country import regions had the policy been implemented historically. Preliminary results were found using annual wheat data obtained from United Nations COMTRADE data, along with the GTAP 6 Data Base. Given the significance of initial findings using annual data, monthly bilateral data (spanning the years 1995-2009) from the World Trade Atlas for cereal grains is being used in the detailed frequency and survival analysis as this work moves forward.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2010 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 13th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Penang, Malaysia
Date: 2010
Created: Countryman, A. (4/15/2010)
Updated: Countryman, A. (4/15/2010)
Visits: 2,810
- Preferential trading arrangements
- Agricultural policies
- Asia (East)
- Asia (Southeast)
- Middle East
- Africa (Southern)
- European Union
- North America
- South America

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