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GTAP Resource #3698

by Sarfo, King Kojo

The first part of the paper considers the “push” and “pull” effects of public availability of budget information. It discusses the examination of civic participation in budget work in Ghana. The “PUSH” effect: This refers to efforts by the government in ensuring transparency and accountability by providing comprehensive information on past, current and projected fiscal activities.
The “PULL” effect: This is the organised representation of citizen’s demand for accountability and transparency; often by civil societies and non-governmental organisations.

The last part discusses the involvement of the youth in the context of policy initiatives, public resource allocation and domestic accountability. Participatory Budgeting is the process of direct democracy, universal and voluntary through which the population has the opportunity to discuss and to decide the budget and public policies.It is very important to know that even though the youth constitute a critical mass of the population, they have no place in the economic space of Ghana.

 Recommendations are that, an umbrella organisation should be formed for all civil society organisations in budget work to harmonize efforts.

Resources should be made available to civil societies to enable them advance their objectives of promoting good governance

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2009
Version: Microsoft Power Point
Created: Sarfo, K. (8/22/2011)
Updated: Sarfo, K. (8/22/2011)
Visits: 753
- Economic growth
- Economic development
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Baseline development
- Africa (West)

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