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GTAP Resource #3805

"Growth, Fiscal and Poverty Impacts of the Cameroon-EU Economic Partnership Agreement. A Dynamic Microsimulation CGE Analysis for Cameroon"
by Emini, Christian Arnault

Cameroun initialed in December 2007 and then signed on January 15, 2009, an interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with European Union (EU). This country-specific agreement has already come into effect for the EU part. Cameroun obtained from the EU a postponement of the implementation of its commitments while negotiations for a full EPA covering the entire Central African region are ongoing.

Nevertheless, the interim EPA includes a gradual removal, over a period of 14 years, of up to 80 percent of customs duties levied on EU exports to Cameroon.

Within the framework of this agreement, EU exports to Cameroon are divided into four principal categories, each category implying a particular pace of tariff dismantling:

 Products of category 1 : investment goods. Customs duties on EU exports to Cameroon, for this category, shall be gradually and definitively eliminated in four years, from the beginning of the whole 14 year dismantling period;
 Products of category 2 : inputs goods and other products likely to reinforce the competitiveness or the productivity of companies installed in Cameroon. For this category, customs duties on EU products are planned to be fully removed over a sub-period of seven years, starting from the second year of the whole dismantling period;
 Products of category 3 : current consumption goods and other imports competing with an existing or emergent local production. Gradual and total removal of customs duties on EU products over a sub-period of ten years, starting from the fifth year of dismantling period;
 Products of category 4 : sensitive products, excluded from liberalization.


In order to assess the impacts of this EPA, we use a Dynamic Microsimulation Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model.

The dynamic character of the model not only allows capturing the impacts over the time, but also makes it possible, when simulating the EPA, to really mimic the gradual d...

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2012 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 2012
Created: Emini, C. (4/23/2012)
Updated: Emini, C. (4/30/2012)
Visits: 1,306
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