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GTAP Resource #3828

"The impact of Oportunidades on human capital and income distribution: a top-down/bottom-up approach"
by Debowicz, Dario and Jennifer Golan

This paper analyses the effects of Oportunidades conditional cash transfer program on human capital and labour markets, accounting for its partial and general equilibrium effects. Linking a microeconometric and a general equilibrium model in a bidirectional way, the paper explicitly takes spill-over effects of the program into account. Preliminary results suggest that partial equilibrium analysis alone may underestimate the program effects. Extending the coverage of the program leads to a significant increase in school attendance, which reduces labor supply and so increases equilibrium wages of the children who remain at work. This indirectly alters the income distribution.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2012 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 2012
Created: Debowicz, D. (4/26/2012)
Updated: Golan, J. (6/23/2012)
Visits: 1,184
- Economic development
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Labor market issues
- Central America

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