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GTAP Resource #3934

"Post-model Analysis in large-scale models: the examples of Aglink-Cosimo, CAPRI and GTAP"
by Perez Dominguez, Ignacio, Wolfgang Britz and Badri Narayanan

This paper provides a detailed comparison between the graphical interfaces and post-model analysis tools of three large economic models: Aglink-Cosimo, CAPRI and GTAP. Whereas the Aglink-Cosimo and CAPRI models follow a strict separation between model and data analysis software tools, the GTAP model follows a model integrated approach using GEMPACK commercialized tools. Moreover, the CAPRI graphical user interface technically and formally detached from the data generation process. Aglink-Cosimo and GTAP use tools specifically developed to serve mainly their own needs (and tailored to communicate with their model drivers). One specific characteristic of Aglink-Cosimo relates to the need of interactive documentation for users, which relies upon the obligation of the OECD and FAO to deliver to the formalized Aglink-Cosimo user group a transparent and well-documented model and database. The CAPRI and GTAP models are much more research-driven and therefore have invested more resources in building bridges with other model consortia.

Keywords: Aglink-Cosimo, CAPRI, GTAP, user interface, filtering, aggregation, normalization, documentation

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2012 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 2012
Created: Perez Dominguez, I. (4/30/2012)
Updated: Perez Dominguez, I. (4/30/2012)
Visits: 3,319
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