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GTAP Resource #3981

"THERESIA: Toward Holistic Economy, Resource and Energy Structure for the Integrated Assessment of Global Warming Mitigation Options"
by Mori, Shunsuke, Yoshiaki Wada, Kenshiro Imai and Masashi Ohkura

In this paper, the authors describe an energy-economy model formulated as a dynamic optimization model which deals with multi-regions, multi-sectors and energy technologies. This model, named THERESIA - Toward Holistic Economy, Resource and Energy Structure for Integrated Assessment - deals with 15 world regions, 12 non-energy industry sectors and 7 energy sectors to assess the middle-to-long term global warming policies including the calculation of sectoral economic impacts and energy technology strategies. THERESIA also incorporates two labour categories, i.e., the high-educated labour and the general labour forces, to evaluate how the substitutability between professional labour and capital influences the relationship between economic activities and environmental policies, reflecting the expansion of such knowledge-based industries as information and business services. The simulation results show us that (1) the high labour-capital substitutability case gives higher economic growth than low substitutability case, (2) world Gross Domestic Products loss in 2037 is 1.37% (CO2-550ppmv stabilization scenario) and 3.10% (CO2-450ppmv stabilization scenario) in low labour-capital substitution while 2.96% (CO2-550ppmv stabilization scenario) and 5.25% (CO2-450ppmv stabilization scenario) in high labour-capital substitution case, and (3) the economic loss in the construction sector is large as well as machinery sectors while damages in the service sectors are relatively small.

Keywords: Multi-region, Multi-sector, Inter-temporal optimization, Energy technologies

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Published
By/In: Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis, Vol. 16, 2010
Date: 2010
Created: Batta, G. (8/30/2012)
Updated: Batta, G. (8/30/2012)
Visits: 4,469
- Renewable energy

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